Prologue: Fresh Arrivals

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Akiras POV

The year was 2008 It was a normal day to start everything especially since today was the final day here in our hometown. I sighed still tired but forced myself out of bed as I jumped off the top bunk looking over at my brother Ayano, I gently pinched his cheek to wake him up.

Akira: Get your ass up man it's time to get ready.

Ayano: Man can't you just relax, we don't have to leave till later this afternoon, just relax and get back to sleep.

Akira: You know we can't do that Ayano, especially not now since we have our first real mission to take care of.

Ayano: (Sighs and slowly sits up scratching his head) Man I understand that you're excited and all but waking up early isn't helping anyone especially since I know you're still tired.

Akira: How the hell would you know that?

Ayano: Your game was on late last night and you thought I didn't hear that shit you were watching?

Akira: '...No comment..'

Ayano: Exactly now let me sleep.

He yawned and slowly leaned back down quickly drifting back to sleep as I sighed and walked out of the room leaving him to his rest. I went about the average morning routine. After stepping out of the bathroom I made my way down our hallway as I turned into the living room and kitchen area, our father sat on the couch with his coffee and I turned to see our mother humming a little tune as she turned around her chest bouncing around a bit as the apron she wore huffed her figure a lot too well that even I was a bit uncomfortable to admit it. I sat down at the kitchen table and yawned.

Mom: Well good morning Aki, how would you like your eggs?

Akira: Jiggling-I mean uh scrambled.

Mom: Hehehe, scrambled eggs coming right up sweetheart.

Dad: I'm surprised you're up at this hour, Akira you know you could have slept in today.

Akira: Yeah I know but since today is the big day, I thought why treat it any differently from normal?

Dad: Well I'm proud of you for taking such an initiative. You make sure you have everything you need for your trip because your mother has something to tell you.

Mom: Heh I already know that you guys are going to that school so I took care of your living arrangements, and it's still close to your school and the neighborhood of interest for you both.

Akira: Wow...when did you have enough time for all of that?

Mom: I had plenty of time don't make it sound like I didn't.

Akira: You two sure as hell didn't sound like you had time to waste last night

Dad nearly spits out his coffee and Mom froze up and slowly turned the stove off.

Dad: A-Akira!

Mom: I'll handle it Dear...Akira what have we told you about cursing in this house?

Akira: Not to do it.

Mom: And what do you keep doing?...

Akira: Cursing..

Mom: You're not taking your guns and no if's, and's, or but's about it.

Akira: Oh come on!

Mom: What did I just tell you boy?

I groaned and felt my head hitting the table as I turned around only to see Ayano walking over rubbing his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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