Chapter 1

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Ms Meminger, 

          I am very sorry to bring the news that New York Publishers will not be publishing your book, The Book Theif. The translator did not have the time to come down and translate the entire book into English, and now, in 1951 we do not publish books that are not written in the English language. I would recommend getting a private translator, and then maybe you can send it in again. Again, we are very sorry.

Good luck, 

New York Publisher, Stacy Walkins

          "Liesel, it's okay. They are stupid not to accept the book, it's an amazing book about experience." Max Vandenburg sat down next to Liesel Meminger, after reading the letter. 

          "They never said it was not good, Max. They just want it to be in English. Oh, Max, you can help me translate it!" Liesel says, holding his hands. "I will even write that you did that! It can be 'wrote by Liesel Meminger, and translated by Max Vandenburg'!" Liesel says excitedly, and stands up, "I shall get the paper!" She turns away, but Max grabs her sleeve.

          "Lies, no, I can't. I have work Monday through Saturday, and after work days, I have to drive into the city to pick up Hans from daycare. There's not enough time. I'm sorry. I'll lend you money, though." Max says, and Liesel sighs, sitting back down.

          "No, you are right, I have other things to worry about. Speaking of, I want to get Hans a small gift for his birthday party. I will drive into the city and get Hans today. You can rest." Liesel says, and Max nods slightly before pulling her down and kissing her lightly on her lips. "I must go so that I am not late to pick up Hans. I love you, I will see you soon!" Liesel says, putting a faux smile on her face and walking out of the kitchen. 

          "I vill see you soon too!" Max calls after her and she smiles slightly as she gets her coat on. She opens the front door and walks down the six steps that lead to the driveway. She opens the car and gets in, quickly starting it. She sits in the car momentarily, and sighs, her breath crystalizing in the cold winter air. Liesel starts driving through the small rural town where she lives. She drives for 15 minutes before stopping at a small store and getting out. 

          "Liesel!" Liesel looks up to see her best friend, Heidi Liersch. She waves as she shuts the car door, and walks over to Heidi. "Liesel! I was coming here to buy a gift for Hans' birthday!" Heidi says happily, and Liesel nods.

          "Yes, me too. I want to get him a little surprise. I can not believe my boy is going to be two soon! It feels like yesterday when he was born. Ah, my Hans Rudy Vandenburg The joy of my life!" Liesel says, sighing happily and wrapping her arms around her best friend's arm. 

          "I can't wait for when Tom asks me to marry him! And we'll have a daughter named Josie, and a son named Alex! Oh, how I wish I would have my children now, like you." Heidi says as they walk into the store.

          "Hallo Herr Friedrich!" Liesel calls, and a small man pops up from behind the counter.

          "Hallo Frau Meminger! How are you?" He asks, and Liesel smiles.

          "I am good! I am here to get a gift for my Hans! He is going to be two this week! How about you?" Liesel says happily. 

          "Oh, that is amazing! He's growing so fast. I am good! Did you see? Rudy Steiner from your home is now the fastest sprinter!" Herr Friedrich says, and Liesel's jaw drops.

          "Did you say Rudy? That can not be possible Herr, he is dead. I watched him die. Rudy is dead! Rudi ist tot!" Liesel says, her eyes filling with tears. Heidi gasps, and grabs onto her arm, as she slides down onto the floor, her hands over her face. "Rudy was killed during the bombing of Himmel street! Rudy is dead! Rudy is dead!" She sobs and Herr Friedrich comes out from behind the corner with a box of tissues.

          "Oh, Liesel, did you know Rudy?" Heidi asks, and Liesel scowls at her.

          "Yes, obviously, Heidi. He was my best friend... and he was the boy I loved. He's the boy I would be married to if he lived. But Rudy Steiner from Himmel Street is dead. This is a different Rudy." Liesel snaps, wiping her eyes and standing up. 

          "Here, take the newspaper and see. You are probably right. Steiner is a common name. And it must be a different Rudy. And a different Himmel Street?" Hurr Friedrich says, and Liesel scowls at him but snatches the paper. 

          "It is Rudy. He has hair the colour of lemons." Liesel says and reads father down the paper. "He's running today? At 4:30! I'll go and see if it's really Rudy and then pick up Hans. Oh my gosh!" She says, kissing Heidi's cheek and waving to Herr Friedrich, before running out of the store. She jumps into her car and starts it quickly.

          Liesel arrives at the track at 4:45, and races out of her car and onto the stands. She searches the field for the boy with yellow hair.

         And then she sees him.

         She sees Rudy Steiner.

          She sees the boy she first loved, and the boy she watched die. 

          "Rudy! Rudy!" She yells, running down onto the field. People scream at her to get off the field, but she runs toward her Rudy, "Rudy! Rudy Steinburg!" He doesn't turn his head as he talks to a referee, "Saukerl! Jesse Owens!" She yells and Rudy stops and looks over. He drops his water bottle, and Liesel stops, 20 yards away from him. A smile breaks out on his face and he runs over to her and embraces her in a hug, and lifts her into the air. 

          "Saumensch? Oh, I've missed you!" The crowd cheers and Liesel begins to sob as she holds onto Rudy. "Saumensch, oh God. I thought you were dead. You kissed me, and then you were gone." Rudy says, cupping Liesel's face with his hands. He doesn't wait for a response from Liesel, he looks her in the eyes and then presses his lips against hers.

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