chapter 20 OMFG

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"what rumors?" yeonjun shakily asks.

"the rumors that you're a fuck boy. that you're an arrogant brat that gets whatever he wants. that you're someone no one can take seriously. they said to watch out for you and i chose to ignore it. i'm so fucking stupid. i knew it. i knew it since day one that something was off."

soobin inhales, "i should've listened to my gut. it was right. all of this was a mistake. a big fucking mistake. i shouldn't have swooned head over heels for you. i shouldn't have tricked myself into believing that you could be someone different."

he pants loudly; his rants taking all his energy, "i wish i never even fucking met you."

yeonjun recoils. loosening his grip on soobin's arm. hit directly in the chest. punctured straight in the heart with those words.

he opens his quivering mouth, "you don't mean that."

soobin smirks, "maybe i do."

yeonjun shakes his head- stepping back. at a complete loss of words.

soobin opens up his mouth once more, "you hurt me yeonjun. you fucking hurt me."

yeonjun looks back at him, tears pooling around his vision; unable to see, "i didn't mean to."

"didn't mean to? you knew what you were doing. every single time.. all those moments we had and you still knew what drove you here in the first place. you just wanted to win, didn't you? you just can't lose a bet?"

"i didn't mean to!" yeonjun screams out.

soobin swallows- caught off guard as yeonjun throws his words directly at the younger; yelling with such a strong force that it sends the trees shaking and the ground rumbling.

"i didn't fucking mean to," yeonjun cries out, "i knew the consequences.. i-i knew it every time i looked at you. but.. i.. i liked you so much that i didn't want to believe it. i didn't want to accept it. and i hoped that maybe, just maybe, i would never have to tell you about it."

"then what?" soobin fires back, "you would just keep on lying to me?"

yeonjun opens his mouth, "i.."

he didn't know. he really didn't know.

soobin scoffs, "you can't just lie to people, yeonjun. that's not how life works. you can't always get what you want. but you don't understand that, do you? everything has to revolve around you."

"that's not true." yeonjun mumbles out.

"yeah?" soobin pushes, "if it's not true then why was i your fucking toy? i was your little toy, yeonjun. admit it."

"no, you weren't. you're not listening to me-"

"i don't need to listen to you." soobin says, "i've heard enough."

"but you haven't!" yeonjun says, "you're assuming everything and you won't even let me talk-"

"because you're going to trick me again!" soobin yells back- matching his tone, "you're going to trick me again with your stupid little persuasion or some shit."

"i've never tricked you." yeonjun says.

"you tricked me into liking you."

"but i like you too!" yeonjun pushes out.

"no, you don't." soobin says with a tight throat.

yeonjun stands up straighter, "i like you, soobin. i so fucking like-"

"i told you that no one likes me!" soobin screams back- becoming so hysterical. "no.. no one likes me so don't try and say-"

"i like you, soobin." yeonjun says firmly once more, "i like everything about you. every. single. little. thing."

soobin stares looks the elder directly in the eyes, "well that's too bad."

the younger steps away- shaking off yeonjun; hating how the latter's fingerprints were stained against his skin.

"because i fucking hate you."

yeonjun blinks at him blankly; struck at what he just heard.


soobin swallows back his hurt and anger mixed together.

"i hate you yeonjun."

his voice was wobbly- sounding like he almost couldn't bring himself to really say such a thing.

yeonjun solemnly smiles, "you hate me?"

soobin nods. but he didn't mean it.

"i hate you with-with every part of my body."

oh my fucking god. that hurt.

it killed him. it ripped his heart straight out of his chest. it took his soul away. it left him deserted without any will to live.

those words killed yeonjun. right there and then. no hesitance to leave him without life on the side of the road.

he couldn't believe it; couldn't even begin to wrap his head around it.

he didn't know what to say; how to respond in the slightest way.

he just stood there. starstruck. looking like a fool.

hearing the words that he never would imagine to hear. never.

soobin swallows- making up his mind; declaring his final word.

the younger leans in closer for a second, eyeing how hurt yeonjun seemed- unsure how he felt from just breaking his heart so easily.

but it didn't matter. it was already out there. unable to ever been taken back.

soobin inhales shakily- pushing back the emotions that told him to stop and fix things; ignoring what his heart told him.


fuck, he could barely bring himself to say.

soobin clenches his jaw tightly.

"don't talk to me again. ever."

and with that- with those last words- he spins back around and walks away. tears now erupting as he was free yeonjun's gaze.

he leaves him. just like that.

stranded. isolated. abandoned.

he was gone.

soobin was gone.

the dare - c.yj & c.sbOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora