chapter 10

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it's getting spicy girlies


two steady knocks are placed against the door; the sound vibrating out into the air and shaking his very own knuckles.

he waits. patiently. one count. then two. then three.

he couldn't stand still. the bags that were hanging on his arms were about to rip into his skin. nearly seconds away from tearing his flesh so easily.

four counts.

yeonjun rocks back on his heels- looking down the hallway with worry. maybe he got the wrong apartment number. maybe he was at a totally different place than being told.

five counts.

he sighs impatiently. debating whether he should call soobin and recheck that he wasn't standing at some stranger's door like a loner.

six counts.

yeonjun bites his lip- deciding that he was too lazy to try and scramble into the depths of his pockets for his phone; knowing that all the treats would spill out onto the floor within an instant.

instead- after readjusting the bags that were slipping- he leans forward with a raised hand; deciding to place another knock. praying this time it would actually get a response.

though, seconds before he could even hear it ring out, the door immediately slips away from him; now creaking open to reveal all that was left inside.

seven counts.

and there he was.


leaning against the door frame with a blanket wrapped around his body; keeping him all snuggled up and warm- looking so cute and cozy in yeonjun's eyes.

he was tied up in a pair of little pajamas with slippers that hugged his feet. along with his nest of tangled hair that was flying up all over the place. making it seem that yeonjun had disturbed him of his slumber.

the elder fully inhales the man in front of him- taking note of every little thing. now finally able to see how sick soobin really did look.

his face was drained of life; of energy. it was pale and robbed of any color. he looked like a dead person. with his lips that were cracked and chapped; them too losing their usual vibrant pink to them.

his eyes looked heavy to hold; barely even able to keep them open for a split second. taking frequent blinks and leaving them to their little slits- oddly squinting at yeonjun.

and it looked like his whole body was aching with pain. seeming so burdensome to stay upright. practically begging to be back in bed to collect rest.

it pained yeonjun to see him like this. wishing he was the one sick instead of having to look at what had infected soobin.

soobin opens his mouth, getting yeonjun to look at him kindly, "the door was unlocked."

dear god, his voice was dead too. it was nearly gone. it was barely even there. just hanging on by a sliver that soobin was technically whispering out his words with such care.

yeonjun's expressions soften, now stepping forward as he tries to urge soobin back inside, "that's okay. let's get you back to bed."

soobin shuffles out of the way, welcoming yeonjun into his messy apartment- hoping that he wouldn't mind the millions of tissues in every corner or the medicine bottles scattered all along the counters; taking heavy steps back to the warmth of the room that he had sadly left.

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