I tried to reach out my hand, but it wasn't that simple. He was very strong. I wiggled around but I still couldn't get my hands free. He then leaned away. We took the time to catch our breath then he started to lean back in, but before he could I stopped him.

        "Wait!" He stopped immediately. His eyes were filled with confusion.

        I smirked at the look he gave me. I couldn't stop thinking that I would wake up any minute now and be right back at my nivi in the middle of the forest. But then I reminded myself that I needed to talk to him.

        "I know we feel this weird connection between us but it's too soon, we just met a short time ago," I could feel his body tense as I spoke.

        "What I'm saying is that we should wait until we get to know each other more." I was afraid of his reaction and what he would say. After what felt like hours, I saw a smile appear on his face. Neither of us once looked away.

        "You look cute when you smile," I said out of nowhere, causing him to chuckle. My face felt like it was burning.

       'Why did I say that?! Well, I'm not wrong though, it is cute.' I grinned unknowingly to myself then wiped it off almost immediately. When he smirked I knew he had caught it.

        "I understand. I look forward to training you for Iknimaya. I'll go and ask Tsahìk when she thinks you'll be ready. We don't want your injuries getting worse." I smiled brightly, I'm so excited!

        "You can't wait for it, can you?" he asked with a big smile on his face.

        "No, I can't," I replied with a grin.

        He chuckled once more before he got up and helped me to stand. He smiled again and kissed my cheek.

        "I see you at your first lesson... uh." Oh my Eywa. I had completely forgotten to tell him my name.

       "Izzka. But you can call me Iz if you'd like."

        "Ok, Iz. I will wait for you!"

~ Later That Night ~

        Mo'at decided to gather the whole clan tonight to celebrate my joining. It was a nice thought, but I haven't been around many Na'vi in almost a decade. I was beyond nervous.

        She had given me a more festive outfit and I went to put it on. After I was dressed she dragged me towards the meeting grounds while also filling me in on what had happened in the last year. I thought it devastating that the Skypeople would come here and destroy the Omatikaya's Kelutral. Not to mention all the deaths they had to suffer. Including Eytukan, Mo'at's mate and a great Olo'eyktan, and Grace.

        As we arrived I finally felt a little less nervous. Mo'at's presence really does help. Just as I thought that she left! Not feeling so sure about myself anymore I hid behind a tree and just watched as the clan danced and talked. I even noticed there were a few dreamwalkers. As I looked around I saw the area decorated with many colours blooming from the surrounding fauna.

        As the clan was dancing I spotted two familiar faces, Jake and Neytiri, smiling and laughing with each other as they too danced around the fire. How did I not see it before? They're mates! Oh how cute!

        I then looked to see if I could find another certain someone. As I looked everyone seemed happy. Then I found him. It seemed as if he was the only one not happy. He was leaning on a tree on the opposite side of the gathering ground but I could still see that he was solemn. His eyes were looking at the ground.

       'I wonder what's bothering him?'

        I then decided to walk over and talk to him. I made my way through the crowd trying not to attract too much attention. When I arrived by his side, he finally looked up, and when he did his eyes went wide and I blushed.

        "Why do you seem so sad?" I asked, placing my hand on his cheek.

        "I could not find you," He said, looking away nervously. I chuckled at his cute reaction.

        "I see." He then pulled me by the arm and headed towards the fire.

        Getting an idea of what he wanted to do, I started protesting and he just laughed.

       "Come on, just one dance," He said, smiling. How could I say no to that face?

        "Fine one dance, then I'm going back to Mo'at's kelku," I said, fake glaring just to get my point across.

        "Alright, alright," He said, raising his hands in surrender. He then pulled me to him and we joined in the sacred dance around the fire.

        After a while, the clan sat down and ate wutso and drank swoa. I think I might have had a bit too much swoa thinking it was just some sort of juice. Tsu'tey ended up carrying me back to Mo'at's kelku and placing me into my nivi. Right before I fell asleep I felt warm lips on my forehead and a 'goodnight' before I drifted off. 

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