••.Chp 7 : the planet ghoul.••

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Me and sodo arrive to the band room, all the ghouls are talking, papa IV setting up the stage, I look around to see all the papas,sisters of sin, and sister imperator who just glares at me. we walk over to the group, "ayy there's the love birds" I glare at swiss, he raises his hands in defense, "everyone, take a seat." Papa IV says, we all sit down, " I called u all here today, to announce my newest ghoul. " papas voice booms over the speakers, the ghouls look at me smiling, the embarrassment hitting me.

Sodo laughs, "y/n, come up here please. " I hesitantly stand up and walk up the stage, almost tripping and falling on my face,I hear someone laughing, I look over to swiss cackling, aether trying not to laugh, sodo also cackling, mountain giggling along with rain, I roll my eyes at them all, "I would like to introduce y/n. But not as y/n. As the new ghoul that enters the clergy." (I'm trying my best with this💀)

"he will from this point be known as, Mars. His name not forbidden, but slightly forgotten. Still to be used, but not as much. " he says looking over at me, I nod smiling. "Mars. I now here by welcome u to ghost. And claim u as one of my ghouls. So by the name of satan, we welcome u to the ministry. " he says as his one white eye glows, I feel a tingle run threw my body, suddenly seeing both my eyes glow for just a second and then return back to normal.

I look down to see the ghouls all smiling at me, I smile back, I look over to the papas to see them also smiling, papa nihil nodding of approval. Papa IV then goes to grab something, he walks back over and bows holding out something, a uniform. I smile as I take the outfit in my hands. Copia stands back up and nods of approval. "You may go back to ur seat" he says  as he gives me a small smile, I nod and walk off the stage back to my seat, swiss holding out his fist to fist bump me in a way of congratulating me, I bump his fist and he smiles at me. I sit down and look over at sodo who's already looking at me, I blush slightly, he smirks and winks at me. I turn my head away as I blush harder. "You look like a strawberry right now " he whispers in my ear, which makes me blush even harder, if that's possible. "Shut the fuck up" I roll my eyes as he laughs a little.

"I also called you all here to announce the tour coming up. In now 4 days we will being going on a small tour. Be prepared. " everyone nods, "alright, everyone's free to go. " everyone gets up eager to leave. I walk to my room as everyone went back to theirs. I open my door and see my abandoned elfbar and phone on my bed. Sighing in relief as I grab it and hit it. Getting a slight buzz. Laying flat staring at the ceiling waiting for it to wear off. As it does I grab my phone to see my phone blown up with messages from my mother. If I can even call her that.

Mother. :
Y/n where the fuck are you.
answer me whore.
God damnit answer me.
I will stop at nothing to find you.
And when I do. You better believe your
Getting the shit beat out of you.

                                                                            : Me
                                                              Your not gonna
                                                                         touch me.
Mother. :
What makes you think that? Huh?
You got some little body guard?
                                                    No but I have people
                                                    willing to protect me
                                                    from you. And they
                                                    will not let you hurt

Mother. :
Aw. That's cute.
You really think they can stop me?

                                                           it doesn't matter.
                                     I'm not gonna let u hurt me.
                                      I'm not coming back. Ever.

I end it with that. I block her number. And I go over to Twitter to see a bunch of tweets saying something about the new member, me. I giggle at the thought.


@thebandghost: [ MESSAGE FROM THE CLERGY] Hello! We would like to inform you about the newest ghoul. Say hello to Mars!

 Say hello to Mars!

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This makes the upcoming tour even more exciting.

@user2 :
He kinda fine ngl..

@user3 :
Why did they add him? Are they trying to ruin the band?
Wdym- if anything their making it better.

Of course there's the negative comments but I don't pay attention to them. Why would I listen to one person who literally has no authority over me and what I do. Now that I'm thinking about it.. I should probably make a Twitter account for my new 'identity'. So that's what I did.
Username: MarsGhoul.
(This isn't actually an account I just made it up)

I should probably tweet on it

@MarsGhoul. :
I'm just cool like that yk?

I send the tweet and then I set my phone down staring at the ceiling. I take another hit of my vape. Suddenly there's a knock at my door. Its unlocked so I just yell "come in! " then the door opens. "Yo u good? " I recognize the voice. "I'm fine sodo." I'm tired asf. And I have a tired voice. It's like a morning voice but I'm tired. I don't have  deep deep voice but I would say I have a deep ish voice. (Plot twist, you now taller then sodo because yea. Being tall is fun 🤭) but it becomes deeper when I'm tired or I just woke up. "Woah voice change? " I laugh a little, "happens when I'm tired" I say slightly looking up from the bed. "It's kinda hot ngl." He says smirking at me. "I- oh- um- a-.. Damn. " I stutter as we both laugh. "You get flustered easily. It's funny" he says looking at me. I blush.  "Fuck you" he looks at me and smirks, "you would. " I turn over on my bed now face first as I groan into my bed, "shut upppp" he laughs "dumbass.."and then I fell asleep.

A/n : ik I said this was a slow burn but I might have to change that to.. Haha yea I'm changing things in the book as I write, I hope u don't mind. I hope ur enjoying 🕺

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