1. ~ past ~

Mulai dari awal

You hear sniffing coming your way, you scream to catch its attention. You got it. It starts running towards you, you run as fast as you can hiding in little hiding spots on the way like tree roots, logs, anything you could find that could fit you. Your running and panting your running out of stamina......

You fall.....

It was a bad fall you broke your arm for sure but you just got up and ran, ran as fast as you can. You fall again on the same arm. "AGHH!" your voice echoes through the forest of tall trees, your eyes start to water but you keep it together. The thanator is to be heard again. You shove yourself across the grassy floor to go to a hiding spot in the roots of a tree but then the thanator jumps on you there paws on your shoulders you scream in Agony "AGUHH!!" The thanator was about to hurt you but then it was shot in the heart...

IT WAS NEYTIRI "MOMMMM!!!" You run to her sobbing your eyes out. All the tears that you didn't let come out earlier was just pouring out of your body. You hug her tight like there was no tomorrow, with the arm you have left of course.

"Shhhh its ok sweetie" neytiri says petting your head as she hugs back. Then she turns "SHES OVER HERE GUYS" everyone runs toward there mom. Neytiri lets you go, everyone crowds around you and say "are you ok?!?!" "what happened" "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR ARM"

Jake picks her up and says "everyone stop! I'm sure she's in shock right now lets just get her back!" 





You guys get back to home and Jake rushes you to neytiris's mother. "what happens here!" Mo'at says in shock "she hurt her arm running away from a thanator"

"put her down" he puts her down "ok now out. out!" Mo'at demands

Everyone leaves.


She takes your top off and does her little ritual😜💅



Your asleep now. But everyone's there watching over you / preying over you




Your fully healed but not aloud to go back into the forest without neteyam, neytiri, or jake. Your upset about this. But you and Lo'ak and spider still have fun together.


Spider and Lo'ak visit you when your grounded to your hut.

"Hey y/n we're coming in" Lo'ak says


"Yeah spiders here to"

"Oh, hey spider"

"Hey, sooooo how's your arm?" 

"Oh, its all good now" he comes and takes a good look at it

"Wow bro it have a massive badass scar" he chuckles

You laugh and so does Lo'ak "yeah it does have a badass scar" Lo'ak says In between laughs




Time skip




Age:11 jakes pov: he's arguing with norm

"No! I can't do that Jake you know that I cant"

- Those eyes - Ao'nung (on hold)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang