The bird fights his way out of the egg

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Four. Two. One. Five
(authernim pov)
The day starts with a classroom filled with frustration of students taking test sitting there then suddenly a student bangs his fist on the table
All the attention goes to him to get the closer look its the yeon sieun
Tighten the grip on the pen he was holding on to then he got up and moved to his right side grab a book from the other students desk and hit him on the face......................
             (weak hero class 1)
(authernim pov)
                 (13 days earlier)
In the morning before all the students come to school a walking person gets to school before them relaxed walking to school hoping nobody will disturb this introvert
[yeon sieun]
Quadratic formula write the unknowns and the constants on the left in the descending order and set the equation equal to zero so its "ax" squared plus "by" squared plus "c" equals zero [ after solving the question on the broad sieun goes back to his desk before anyone
(teachernim) well done sieun
[sitting back on his desk he wrote what lessons are done
[yeon sieun]
The lmo incident in 1882, during the 19th year of king gojong's reing the discrimination against the soldiers of the traditional army and joseon's military reform had sparked an uprising which resulted in the heungseon daewongun's return to power and active voice the object of pattern four active is tge subject of a passive a pattern 4 sentence has 2 objects so it can be converted to two passive where each of them are subjects[ shows sieun all around the school keeping this in his mind]
(13 days until the mock test) [saw this on the blackboard] [in the 6am in the morning sieun opens tge curtains of the classroom keeps his notebooks one the desk fliping pages so he can find the new one minding his own business he works on his notebook] (time flies and all the classroom came into being one by one all students came in)
(homeroom teachernim)
Two people in this class won awards in our schools maths competition ill announce the names
Yeon sieun, jeon youngbin come to the front
[jeon youngbin] yes!!
(homeroom teachernim)
First place winner, yeon sieun
This award is presented to this student in recognition of their achievements in the mathematics competition good job sieun
[after teacher announce this no sound no clap can be heard but thus didnt bother sieun]

Second winner jeon youngbin same as above(after teacher announce this)
[han taehoon] a round of applause!
The whole class filled with claping and sounds of motivations for youngbin
(homeroom teachernim)
So the mock test is in less then two weeks are you all working hard for it?
(all students) yes ma'am
[but the only thing that leaves the stain is youngbin stareing at sieun]
1-6 classroom
(student 1) its got to be sexier
(student 2) move you hips
(student 1) nice. Keep going come on move your hips
[then we see a cellphone makin a video of a student nervously moving
His hips and the others  laughing at him
Student 1) there you go gotta be sexier ( moving his hand in wave direction to give him the idea
[currently youngbin is harassing and bullying a student] [ and when the student turn around then one of  bullys seems to cross the line ]
S1) turn around you prick [he throws his shoe at him]
[then youngbim stands up and grab him from his nape and]
(youngbin) hey, you know people love your videos, right? Soon, you're going to rise to fame. Think about it you don't study you've got no connections and you've got no money this is you best chance to make money you should be thankful
[currently he is talking about to post his bullying videos to post on some platforms]
The victim) i know im thankful
[youngbin] then get me some gatorade
S1:- i want milkis
S1:- coke zero for me
[and then the victim runs to get they're drinks]
S1:- i guess that didn't hurt that much
S2:- he needs a good beating
Then youngbin stared at yeon sieun
[youngbin] ya! Give it to me
Then the other student give him the shoe and he throw it at sieun which made him remove his airpods and glare at him
S1:- hey you've got to aim better you just hit this poor boy, [for sure he was talking about sieun]
S2:- he's right, come on.
S1:- right I'm sorry get back to studying
[youngbin] mianhae ( sorry) [he said in a fake way]
(sieun) be careful next time
After saying that sieun gets back to study but that poke youngbin hard so he couldn't stay still so he wanted to pick a fight with sieun]
[youngbin] it was a accident what is so careful about? You're just trying show me up
(sieun) i know it was a accident be careful not to cause another one
Youngbin:- (scoffs) what the....
Then youngbin sits infront of sieun
Youngbin:- hey you know what people hate you cause whatever you say it sounds so annoying what do you think?
(sieun) are you bored?
Youngbin:- what?
(sieun) why don't you stop wasting you time and go study english? (he said without giving any attention to youngbin)
(youngbin) do you have a death wish?(shieun see's youngbin in his eyes and...bunch of other students come inside of classroom and say)
S1:- hey who is an suho?
[everyone pointed at suho who was sleeping pacefully and one student scared waking suho up]
?? :- suho ya an suho
[suho] what? Is it lunchtime already?
S1:- are you an suho? You firlt with my nayeon didn't you?
[suho] nayeon? Lee nayeon, park nayeo, nayeon?
S1:- its son nayeon you jerk!
Suho- oh her she kept messaging me so i have meal with her once but im not interested in her shes not my type, hey todays lunch menu?
S2:- stir-fried pork
Suho:- oh thats great i like protein
Then he give signal to his members to beat him up]
Suho:- hey stop dont
But they didn't listen and keep going oo with every  attack suho douged it and hit them after all after taking one's bat he acted to hit them and they flinched
Suho:- got you
One puts bat on his chest and pushes him back on the wall
Suho:- oh~ouch
And when 2nd cane to hit him he bolcked it with the bat and kick him in the privet and grab a book and hit him on his head and again acted to hit them with book and the iconic wink and pull his ear
Suho:- are you sure you guys are from sports team?
One throws a bat on suho but he douged it again
Suho:- hey you crossed the line
[Then suho punched him in the face and he fainted]
Suho:- hey take him to the nurse office and if my name came up then you're all dead [and they obeyed him]
S1:- but were older then him
Then suho looked sieun who is already glaring him then he looked down to see sieuns pencil box on the floor
Suho:- oh did i did this?
Sieun:- yes,
Then he picked up his pencil box
Suho:- mianhae (im sorry)
Sieun:- why would you do this in a classroom
But suho left with a smile without saying anything
[sieun's home view]
We can see some of sieuns awards from his competitions then we see his dad talking then he appears infront of his dad
Sieun's dad:- hi son youre back home your teacher has caed and told me you had win the mathematics competition
Then he brings the awards out of his bag and give it to his dad
Sieun's dad:- first place winner yeon sieun you make me so proud, sieun  thank you son
Sieun:- sure
Then his faters phone buzzed then we see that sieun is taking online classes then his rooms doors knocked then his dad came into his room see's he is not only taking online class even the teacher is his mother his parents got divorced when he was little
Sieun's dad:- do you keep in touch?
Sieun:- I'm just studying
Sieun's dad:- okay I'm going
Sieun:- okay have a nice trip
Then he watches his dad leave and continues to watch the video
Eomma:- do you understand? You see my son is top student at his school but i never nag him do you know why because he does well on his own as i always say studying is...
Then we see the view of there school as always sieun vent school early opened the door and left surprised ansuho was sleeping in classroom on desks but sieun goes and opened curtains then we see someone throw t-shirt in the dumpster and left  and then we see yeon sieun finding something in his bag and see behind him and saw youngbin already staring at him
Youngbin:- whats the matter did you lose something?
S1:- i could just fold you you in half
S2:- let's go
(then we see sieun running but all the eyes goes to one running more faster than anyone else)
Coch:- that was 6 minutes and 12 seconds
Suho:- take 5 seconds off
Coch:- hey suho why don't you study sports in college? You're more than qualified for it
Suho:- well, it's not like I'm going to be a national player I'll think about it when i break bolt's record
Coch:- bolt? Bolt who?
Suho:- you know usain bolt (swag stlye) thanks for the class! Sir
Coch:- that punk.
(then suho see's a student walking in a race)
Youngbin:- look at that idiot running
S1:- is he zombie or what? (pretent to be a zombie) he might as well run like this
(but suho can't let them making fun of sieun then he thorws his shoe at him which hit him on his head)
Suho:- bring that back to me
Which he obeyed well cuz why not suho was the scaryest in them)
Suho:- what was your name again?
S1:- l'm lee jeong chan
Suho:- okay
(at this point youngbin was burning from inside because he cant do anything to suho cuz he was more powerful than him)
Coch:- that was 9 minutes and 48 seconds. Yeon sieun, you've got to work on your stamina. You need to stay healthy to study, you know.
Coch:- guys take him to the nursing room
Sieun:- no, l'm okay, sir(panting) l'm okay.
Then we see jeong chan again making fun of sieun in the classroom
Jeong chan :- l'm okay of course he's not okay he didn't sound okay
Taehoon:- seriously,youngbin we've got to beat him up once
Jeongchan:- remember him eyes "be careful next time" "be careful not to cause another one" those darn eyes
(then youngbin see sieun standing infront of him)
Sieun:- stop this, l'm asking you nicely
Youngbin:- what?
Sieun:- stop bothering me.
Youngbin:- l'm not sure what you're talking about. (he said clearly lying)
Sieun:- this is a warning (then he was about to go then taehoon garb him from his neck and started to choke him)
Taehoon:- see? He's just acting cool and all but he's just a loser.
Sieun:- let go
Youngbin:- that's not how to ask someone for a favor now try again.
Sieun:- what did you say?
Students:- what if he really die?
Maybe we should call a teacher.
Taehoon:- hey youngbin
Youngbin:- don't let him go, or I'll kill you
Teacher:-hey! What are you doing over there?
(then suddenly taehoon let go of him)
Youngbin:- nothing. We were just messing around.
Teacher:- yeon sieun, are you okay?
Han taehoon what is going on?
Youngbin:- hey, you don't want trouble, do you? You need to go to college.
Teacher:- yeon sieun, you tell me were they really messing around?
Sieun:- yes, sir we were just messing around.
Teacher:- don't do it again, okay?
All:- yes, sir
(then we see sieun going straight to home not talking to anyone just lonely eating nobody around him again taking online classes then his house doorbell rings )
Sieun:- who is this?
??? :- delivery
Sieun:- i didn't order anything
???:- what? But this is the address.
(then sieun opens the door to see what was actually happening he opens the door and left surprised he was seeing the one and only an suho)
Suho:- hey, bookworn what are you doing here?
Sieun:- i didn't order anything.
Suho:- huh, isn't this unit 902 of dongbeak apartment's building 102?
Sieun:- this is building 101.
Suho:- it says its building 102. Shit
Hey, buddy can i have a glass of water?
Sieun:- why should i?
Suho:- come on. We're classmates don't be like that
Sieun:- wait what?
Suho:- its just a glass of water
(sieun was just left surprised)
Suho:- ya! What if i pass out from dehydration it's your fault then? Seriously its just a glass of water dont just stand there I'm about to pass out (sieun gave up cuz even he knows he cant win over suho)
(he grab a water bottle and a cup and about to pour but suho grabs the whole bottle and drink from it)
Suho:- seriously, what's your problem? Thanks, man. I'll get you three bottles of water tomorrow.(smiles sweetly) keep up with your study, and see you tomorrow. And be good to your mom. Oh am i doing it right?
(then we see a car outside of the school)
Teacher:- we have a new student "oh beomseok" say hi to your new classmates
Beomseok :- hi, l'm oh beomseok
(and everyone claps for him except youngbin)
Teacher:- be nice to beomseok, okay? (then we see lunchtime and there youngbin planing something)
Youngbin:- oh beomseok, was it?
Beomseok :- oh, yes.
Youngbin:- where did you come from?
Beomseok :- oh, i transferred from mungang high school.
Jeongchan:- his family must be rich.
Youngbin:- if you're from mungang then you must know ji won we're best friends
Beomseok :- im afraid, i don't know who is that
Youngbin:- you dont know han ji won?
Beomseok :- the name sounds familiar but i dont know who is it
Sieun:-get off
Youngbin:- thats my seat, and i dont want to.
(then sieun grabs a pen from his table)
Sieun:- i said! Get off.
Youngbin:- have you lost your mind?
Suho:- why are you guys so chatty these days? Someone's trying to sleep here. Can i sleep in peace?
Youngbin:- you better be careful, yeon sieun. (then we see a club where youngbin was sitting in)
??? :- ya youngbin, ah are you not drinking?
G1:- he's right why won't you drink?
Youngbin:- the mock tests next week, you morons
B1:- study hard and get a good job in a big company
Jeongchan:- by the way, i think yeon sieun is losing his mind who does he think he is? As if he could actually do something with that pen.
Taehoon:- i saw him look at us the other day and he looked really crazy i almost killed him
Jeongchan :- oh., come on you didn't do anything
(focused on youngbin looked really mad like there fire i side of him)
Youngbin:- what should we do with yeon sieun? We just can't seem to hurt him.
Jeongchan :- maybe his grades, i mean he's obsessed with his grades
(in the academy )
Teacher:-what do you think? The answer is anxiety?
(we see sieun working peacefully)
(back to the club where youngbin is taking drugs)
(jeonseokdae the one who gave youngbin the drugs his own cousin)
Youngbin:-   hyung I'll meet you in private
(few minutes later youngbin came)
Youngbin:- auntie came over other day and said you hadn't come home yet
Seokdae:- get to the point
Youngbin:- oh  i just wonder...what happens if you put fent@nyl on your skin? For example on your neck?
Seokdae:- it won't be as potent but its still a painkiller it'll make you feel a little muzzy. You'll get dull and sleepy in worse you'll vomit. But why do you ask?
Youngbin:- oh, i just got curious.
Seokdae:- youngbin
Youngbin:- yes?
Seokdae:- dont go overboard.

oungbin:- hyung what  are you talking about?
(and seokdae said nothing and left)
Youngbin:-  bye... what a jerk he is
(then youngbin put out his phone and calls someone)
Youngbin :- hi, jiwon. How have you been?
(then we see sieun sitting in bus)
(then sieun open up his phone and his fathers message)
Father:- Is everything all right?
Sieun:- yes
(then we see sieun going to his house but then some boys came out and)
??? :- are you?... Normally, we just drop it off, you know this is the last time we deliver it to you (pulls out the fent@nyl) come on
?? 2:- hey, i said it's a girl.
??? ;- darn we just messed up
Sieun:- move
?? :- what?
Sieun:-move you're standing in my way
??? :- well, i don't like the tone you must have a death wish i don't like those eyes either
(sieun  understanded the way situation was taking so he pulls his pen out of his pocket which seok dae noticed)
The hurted ego man;- hey, quit staring im going to smash your stupid head
(then seokdae came and push that hurted ego man away to make way for sieun)
Seokdae:- leave
(which sieun accepted)
seokdae:- know who you're messing with he was about to attack to with his pen)
(next day in school) (today is the mock exam)
Youngbin:- hey, beomseok our teacher wants to see you
Beomseok:- what?
Youngbin:- our homroom teacher wants to see you (he lied) (he took him with him for a favour)
Yoingbin:- by the way seems like you had a hard time in mungang.
I talked to jiwon yesterday
Beomseok :- what?
Youngbin:- he said you were beaten and bullied there... Is that why transferred here? Like a loser? Well im not trying to scare you or anything take a seat
Beomseok :- oh okay
Youngbin:- aren't you thankful im keeping your secret and asking you to be friends
Beomseok :- on thank you
Youungbin:- then could you do me a favour?
(then he pulled out the fent@nyl)
(then we see students give papers to each other then suddenly beomseok slaps sieuns neck he put fent@nyl on sieuns neck which he didn't know sieun moved to his back )
Beomseok:- it was a mosquito there
Teacher:-hey what are you doing huh? Trun around sieun obeyed then beomseok looks at youngbin which he was already giving beomseok a thumbs up (beomseok kept staring at the fent@nyl he put on sieuns neck thinking what could can happen to him)
it won't be as potent but its still a painkiller it'll make you feel a little muzzy. You'll get dull and sleepy in worse you'll vomit.(and as expected it started causing sieun blurry vision  but he kept on )
Sieun:- in literature objects can be represented by other related objects or ideas for instance attributes of an object can represent the object itself or a part of it can represent the whole these media can be mixed (and he stopped thinking cuz he was feeling something wrong his vision became more blurry he ran outside of the classroom)
Teacher;- hey, where are you going?
(of course he didn't answer because he can't which made youngbin satisfied) (sieun was strangling to control himself he washed his face but nothing changed but he still come's back in his class)
After sometime
(sieun was blank all blank not doing his exam then he remembered something that was off)
it was a mosquito there
Then he pulls out the fent@nyl behind of his neck
Slap.. Slap.. Slap...slap.
S1:- what was that? (even suho was curious why he did that)
Teacher:- hey sieun is everthing okay?  Whats the matter?
Sieun:- nothing
The classroom filled with frustration of students taking test sitting there then suddenly a student bangs his fist on the table
All the attention goes to him to get
Tighten the grip on the pen he was holding on to looks at beomseok
Beomseok :- sieun its not like what you think
then he got up and moved to his right side 
Sieun:- newton's second law the force is proportional to the mass and acceleration  using the centrifugal force one can create a greater impact (and hit youngbin on the face and inserts pen into taehoons hand and continusly hit youngbin in the face then rolls his face in the curtain and hit him on the nose makes his nose bleed scarying the shit out the students he stopped)
Sieun:-i asked you nicely to stop (he was about to put gis foot on his face but suddenly someone pushed his away (THE ONE AND ONLY AN SUHO came)
Suho:- enough, dont cross the line
Sieun:- who do you think you are?
Suho:- me? A guardian angel who just woke up from a nap
Sieun:- is this seems funny to you?
Suho:- yes it is
Sieun got more mad and throw pencils at suho and grab a chair and--
(creater nim)
Hi! Guys how ya'll do'in? Here's the 1 episode on weak hero class 1 which took me really long to write but i still doned it and if you like this please vote for it and follow my page it helps me motivate take care and bye

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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