Chapter XI. Pledged

Start from the beginning


In Laela's chamber. I and Laela have a discussion after I told her what happened. Laela puts Elianna in the crib and gives me a look "Marry Daeron" I give her a disgusted look "Marry Daeron that's your solution"

"You kidding right, I will not marry our uncle and I am already married to Jaime"

"And Jaime is not here" I sit on the couch. Laela sits next to me "You are not married to Jaime, Lyanna Snow is the one who married him and that is a fake name, Jaime will be your husband when you marry with your true name Visneya Targaryen"

"In front of the people and gods I married Jaime"

Laela argues "You break your vows in front of people and you do not believe in gods. If you marry him, your problems will be solved"

I stare at her "There must be something else"


In The painted table chamber. Aeryn, Daemion, Maelys, I, Jon, Daenerys, Davos, Jorah, Theon, Varys, Missandei, Grey Worm and Tyrion strategize. Jon says "If we have the Dothraki ride hard on the king's road, they'll arrive at Winterfell within the fortnight."

Daenerys says "And the Unsullied? We can sail with them to White Harbor, meet the Dothraki here on the king's road, then ride together to Winterfell."

Maelys says "My men half of them already at Harrenhal so we could move together"

I say "Men of Stormsend arrive at Harrenhal a week ago. My army is ready and waiting for us at Kingsroad"

Jorah says "Perhaps you should fly to Winterfell, Your Grace. You have many enemies in the North. Thousands fell fighting your father. All it takes is one angry man with a crossbow. He'll see your silver hair on the kingsroad and know that one well-placed bolt will make him a hero. The man who killed the conqueror."

Jon says "It's your decision, Your Grace. But if we're going to be allies in this war, it's important for the Northerners to see us as allies. If we sail to White Harbor together, I think it sends a better message."

Daenerys says "I've not come to conquer the North. I'm coming to save the North."

Aeryn says "We all will sail together."


In the Dragonstone throne Room, Jon, I, and Davos walk through the room, away from the meeting. Theon trails behind "Jon" We stop and turn "Can I speak with you?"

Jon says "All right."

I nod and exit with Davos.


Narrator POV

An Interior Courtyard in King's Landing. Genna Lannister is watching them. Jaime paces into the yard. Cersei watches from the upper level. Jaime says "Our men in King's Landing will march north in three days' time."

A Lord says "It'll take us a fortnight just to gather supplies for the train."

"We don't have a fortnight. If the North falls, we fall. Three days. The remaining forces in the Westerlands will take the river road east. We'll meet at Lord Harroway's Town with Queen Lyanna's army and march together to Winterfell."

Cersei says "Ser Jaime."

Jaime says "Your Grace."

The lords bow in the union with Cersei. 

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