What about Marlene?

Barely tolerates me.


Hates my guts.

My sister? I asked wincing, and he gave me a dead panned look.

"She thinks of me as an extension of the boy he hates the most. Plus Prongs would kill me for even thinking about it."

I sighed. "Sirius, this is ridiculous. And I'm sure your mother will have my throat if I even breathe wrong." He took my hands, the expression on his face was relentless. "I will help you prepare, teach you everything I know and in no time you'll be acting as if we're born in one of the sacred twenty eight."

I laughed at him. "Padfoot this party is in a little over a month. I doubt it'll be possible." "I'll try my best. Does this mean you will come?" He looked at me with a hopeful expression, and I'd hate to let him down. I took my hands away from him. "I don't know. It may be more than I can handle. Give me two days and I'll give you an answer." I could see Sirius's shoulders slump, it wasn't the answer he was expecting but he would take it. "Deal."

"And you will need to apologise to Amos." His jaw dropped a little in disbelief. "What? Why?" "Because I'm not the one you tried to kill in the game." "This is bloody ridiculous!" He said, throwing his arms in the air. "You will do it, or I won't even consider it." "Oh you little..." He let out an exasperated sigh. "Fine, I'll do it." I smiled. "Thank you Pads. Good night." I gave him a little kiss on the cheek before turning once more into my animagus and leaving him standing there with a dumbfounded look on his face.

On the way back to my dorm I couldn't stop myself from turning the conversation over and over again in my head. Why have I even agreed to think about it, I should just say no. Lately Sirius has been making me feel like I'm torn between my friends and Amos. It shouldn't be like this, I should be able to date a boy without feeling like I'm betraying another. Then again maybe if I didn't have feelings for Sirius I wouldn't feel so torn. I just have this gnawing feeling that if I say yes everything will change. For better or for worse.

When I made it back to my dorm I hoped Alice was still awake so I could ask her for advice. She might be even a worse hopeless romantic than me, yet she has this uncanny ability to keep a head clear of emotions and make the right decision. Unfortunately luck wasn't by my side tonight.

I had barely opened my eyes, when Alice's cheerful voice and bright smile appeared in front of me. "Tell me everything! I want to know every last detail." She screamed in my face. "Jesus Alice, give a girl a chance to wake up." She brushed me off and sat down on my bed. "Spill it." I rolled my eyes and sat up to lean on my headboard.

I told her everything and surprisingly she didn't interrupt me once. "There is something else. The reason I came back so late last night. It wasn't because of Amos." Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I took a deep breath. "It was because of Sirius." Her face didn't show any emotion, but I know what she was thinking. Why do I keep thinking about him when Amos is right there.

"Why?" Was all she asked. "I actually came back early when this boy, a year below, gave me a note. It was from Sirius asking if we could meet. At first I didn't really want to. I was still mad at him, but he's also my friend so I went. Turns out he wanted to apologise, and he also asked me a favour." I couldn't look at Alice so I just kept anxiously fidgeting with my hands.

"What did he want?" I looked at her. "He asked me if I would go with him to his cousin's anniversary party." She sighed. "And will you?" "I told him I will think about it." She sighed once again and stood up. "Merlin Prim. Who knew your life would turn out to be so fucking confusing." I chuckled sarcastically. "Tell me about it." She stopped pacing and looked at me. "What about Amos? Things are clearly going well with him. Don't you think that maybe letting Sirius go is the right choice?"

"Going with Sirius doesn't mean things are going to magically change between us." I retorted. "No, but I know you're thinking what if..." "What of course not." She gave me one of those 'I know you're lying' looks.

I sighed pushing my face into a pillow, then looked back up. "Fine, I am. It's just." I blew out a breath. "I don't know what to think. I mean Sirius is the first boy I've ever fancied, and he's my friend so he'll always have a place in my heart, but I'd be lying if I said I don't like Amos." Alice sat back down next to me.

"Not to be a downer, but maybe you and Sirius are just meant to be friends. I believe you should give Amos a chance, he's a nice boy, and if in the end it's not what you're looking for, just don't give him false hopes." She took my hand. "Look, I can't tell you what to do. The choice is yours. Just be sure you make the right one."


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Stay tuned messer and don't forget the mischief is not yet managed.

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