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(this is a short little story from a dream i had :])

You sit on a hill with Charles, looking up at the night sky, counting the stars, while the sound of crickets and purring were filling the air.

You've never thought that you would be sitting here, next to a man-eating spider train, but here you are.

You place your head on his spider leg, and Charles flinches a bit.

But soon after, he became soft, and his purring grew louder.

You still kept remembering about Eugene.

When he had first met you.

When you guys both bonded over time.

When he introduced you to a job you could work at and a home to live in.

When he moved to an island.

When he finally called you after years and years.


When he died.

You balled yourself up a bit, tears threatening to come out.

Eugene's gone now.

Your first and only friend.

He helped you get your life together, because your parents never really cared about you much, and only cared for themselves and the drugs they'd always use so they can forget about their own problems and their own child.

They never gave you much attention when you were little.

Never helped you when you were down.

Except for Eugene and his family.

They were the ones who helped you gain an actual life.

Especially from Eugene.

Eugene helped you out the most, once the two of you met in 2nd grade.


Why did he have to be the one to die?

It should've been me.

I should've moved. Try and save him.

Drag him back into the train, and keep him safe from.. Charles.


You want to avenge Eugene.


You think that Eugene wants you to avenge him too.

You can imagine Eugene's spirits literally yelling at you to take this opportunity now, kill him while his guards down.

You want to kill Charles too.

For everybody.

For Eugene.

So he can't hurt anyone else.


Lately, whenever Charles alerts his arrival while your in your train doing people favors, you become... a bit excited to see Charles again.

Charles has been giving you gifts, showing affection, hell, even showing you his "little" house.

He lives in this huge ass cave, with lots of room, and a few spiders here and there.

You'd think he'd just sleep just anywhere, but no.

You felt a bit special, since Charles is showing you so much stuff that he has.

And whenever he purrs, smiles, or "laughs" at your jokes, you feel fuzzy inside and blush.

Sometimes, you would even go out of your way and try to look for Charles, hoping to see him chugging towards you along the way.

..Is this the sign of you being attached?

You was zoning out so hard, that you could barely notice Charles poking at you.

You finally came to your senses when he started whining, and was frowning at you.

Y/N: "Wh- oh, sorry Charles, was just thinking about something."

You raise you hand and rubbed him on the cheek. It felt like skin, but, it was also a bit fluffy and soft.

Charles made chittering noises, and rubbed his cheek on your hand.

You chuckled to yourself.

Yup. You were in love with a demon, man-eating, giga spider train from hell itself.

(544 words)

Let's Paint The Rails Red <3 [Charles x Reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon