An Unpleasant Meeting

Start from the beginning

Zane: "But the water tower was still stable, even when the vehicle ran into it."

They all immediately look at the spot where the water tower was standing and see a shadow figure with a weird glowy purple axe in their hand. The figure then threw a gray sphere to the ground, sending a huge cloud of smoke around themself before it cleared up with no one standing there.

Jay: "Well, thank you whoever you are! Wow, they left without us saying 'thank you' to them."

Cole: "Did you see that? They had a weapon, like a purple glowing weapon!"

Zane: "My calculation is that whatever they were holding was an axe, but not any type of axe I know."

Kai: "Yeah, if I remember correctly, there are only iron axes."

Jay: "Ok Mr. Smithy guy, maybe they colored it."

Zane: "If it was colored, then how is it glowing? Could they have possibly put glow glue on it?"

Cole: "Zane is right, it's way brighter than glow glue, like it was actually glowing. We should tell Sensi Wu about this later."

Jay: "Wait.. did a train pass by a while ago..?"

They all look to the direction where the train was going and see the train driving away. They immediately chased after the train quickly. The shadow figure appears out of their hiding spot with their axe in their hand, disappearing from their hand.

??: "Need to be more careful next time.. They must not know about us.."

The shadow figure then summons another sphere that looks like a dark-green color and throws it far away and disappears from sight.


The ninjas arrived at their destination at Stiix. The shadow figure, not wanting attention, sticks to the shadows so they didn't get spotted. As they did, the ninjas continued walking around. They then find Ronin's place and make their way into it. Ronin, holding a vase, was walking around his place when Jay and Cole came from behind him.

Jay: "Ronin."

Ronin then turned around and backed away. Then Kai and Zane came down in front of him.

Ronin: "Whoa! Hey guys! What seems to bring you here to my humble shop." *quickly walks away from them and to the table in the middle of the room*

Kai: "Start talking."

Ronin: "About what? Like this?!" *presses a button underneath the table and a net falls from the ceiling before catching nothing and just dangles above the table between Ronin and the ninjas. The shadow figure sneaks their way in and eavesdrops on them.

Ronin: "Well.. um.. This is awkward now.."

Jay: "Now tell us about it."

Ronin: "About what?"

Kai: "You know, the airjitzu scroll. You stole it."

Ronin: "Ok I must admit but I did steal it.. But I'm not giving you the scroll. Unless you pay me."

Cole: "Ok so how much is that going to be? 30 50?"

Ronin: "About 200 or something."

Jay: "Are you kidding me?! We don't have that amount of coins!"

Ronin: "Then you don't get the scroll. You should get going, I have a business to run."

Zane: "Well, do you have any other things like something to vanish ghosts?"

Ronin: "I do have a weapon that can do that job."

Ronin then starts looking around the place for the weapons while the others watch him carefully.

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