!Malleus x Reader! Promposal

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Extra ship(s) include Ace x Deuce.

If you feel uncomfy with any of these ships, don't hesitate to leave this one-shot.

Also, characters may be OOC.


"Ace, I swear to god, QUIT DRAGGING ME AROUND!"

You were just peacefully walking the halls towards the cafeteria to get some lovely food when a certain annoying redhead first year decided to come along and drag you to god knows where. (Ace... ily, but please stop getting us into shit we can barely escape)

"Hold on MC! There is something I need to show you! I already told Deuce to meet us at that spot."

"So you decided that instead of dragging Deuce there and just messaging me, you decided to drag ME and message DEUCE?!"

"Yea! Basically!"

At this point, you just stopped resisting and let Ace drag you to wherever he wanted to go. After going through many hallways, Ace finally stopped in front of a pillar. The pillar had a poster on it.

"Deuce! We're here!"

"I can see that. What was so urgent that you needed to spam my phone to meet up here?"

"Well, I wanted to show you both this!"

Ace points to the poster.

The poster read:

"Night Raven College is proud to announce that we will be hosting a prom this year! Two weeks from now, on April 8th, the cafeteria will be decorated to match the prom theme and open to students who purchase a ticket! Go with whoever you wish to go with or go by yourself!

Theme: Enchanted Forest."

You read the poster and then slowly turned your head towards Ace, a frustrated look plastered across your face.

"You mean to tell me... that you dragged me away from my precious food for SOME STUPID PROM?!" (Lesson learned- never get between MC and their food)

Ace cowered behind Deuce while Deuce was shaking his head.

"What's so important about this prom anyways Ace?"

"I don't know. I thought it'd be cool to go. Plus I kinda wanted to..."

Ace trailed off as he used his magic to summon a few white and red roses (courtesy of Heartslabyul) and presented them to the blue-haired male.

"...kinda wanted to ask you to this prom. Deuce Spade, kindly accept my invitation."

Deuce was speechless, a blush forming on his face.

"Y-Yea! Sure, I'll go with you."

At this point, both their faces were as red as Riddle's hair (Tomato faces)

"Will both of y'all kiss already? Like just do it! So much sexual tension goodness"

Both the males turned towards you only to see you glaring at them, as though you were trying to will them to kiss with your mind (I would too if i was in that situation)

Deuce looked at you flabbergasted, face still red, before he started rocking on his heels, head tipping backwards. Ace was thankfully there to catch him before he could hit the ground (Imagine Akasshi catching Bokuto in S4 of Haikyuu cuz it's something like that)

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