{Lia} - take care - ITZY sixth member

Start from the beginning

You nodded slowly, confirming their worst fears.

"I'm calling an ambulance. You need to go to the hospital." Yeji said as she anxiously got up and rushed across the room to grab her phone.

She quickly called for an ambulance, panicking and pacing as they all realized that you've been making yourself sick.

Because you haven't been eating.

Help came soon after and during the whole time that they spoke to you, Lia's hand was wrapped in yours.

"How long has it been since you've last eaten, Y/N?" One of the medics asked as the other started to listen to your heartbeat and your breathing.

"I don't remember."

The other medic announced that your heartbeat was irregular and your blood pressure was unstable.

They loaded you into the back of the ambulance and before they closed the doors, you panicked and looked at Lia as the girls stood outside in fear.

"Lia, please come with me," you pleaded.

They allowed Lia to get into the back with you and you reached for her hand as the doors closed and the girls swore they'd be right behind you.

It was scary.

Not just for you but for everyone.

News quickly leaked that you had been hospitalized and people dig into different things to get the answer, sharing with the whole world that it was all because you'd been starving yourself.

The girls stood by your side as you confessed to everything, crying as they realized just how bad things have gotten for you.

"Why did you start this?" Lia questioned.

"People online constantly talk about us. They're looking at us, watching and judging our every move. It's been so hard to deal with the comments about my body. I'm tired of it all."

"It's alright, y/n. We understand." Yeji said as she squeezed your hand.

"Do you need to take some time off? Or leave the group?" Yuna asked. "It's a hard choice to make but if you feel it's what's best-"

"No." You said. "No, I just need some help."

"We're here," Lia said. "Right here. We'll help you and be here for you through everything."

You were all teary-eyed as they all carefully hugged you, giving you a huge and comforting group hug.

"We love you so much, Y/N." Chaeryeong sniffled.

"We're not a group. We're sisters. We're family. We will always have your back through thick and thin." Ryujin said, lips brushing against your head.

"Please take care of yourself. If you feel like it's getting too much, talk to us. We're here for you. We need you to take care of yourself the way you take care of us." Lia pleaded.

"We love you lots," Yeji said.

"Love you all more." You said.

The doctor came back in, causing all of the girls to pull away from you.

Everyone except Lia.

"Well, I have good news. You'll recover. You came in just in time. A few days from now, your prognosis wouldn't be as good."

"So we won't lose her?" Yuna asked with hope in her eyes.

"Nope." The doctor confirmed. "I think she's going to live another hundred years." The doctor said, sorta jokingly, and everyone giggled. "But it's going to be a long journey to recovery. It's not going to be easy. Are you prepared for everything that you'll have to do to heal?"

You looked at the girls and they all placed their hands on yours and each other's, wordlessly telling you that whatever that consisted of, they'll be right there with you.

"Yes." You answered. "I won't be alone."

"Good." The doctor smiled. "The best thing you can have right now is a good support system."

"Trust me. I've got that." You said as Lia moved her hand to your shoulder, brushing it across your skin.

"That's great. I'll be back in a few minutes." The doctor said, stepping out for a few.

"We're in this together, Y/N," Yuna promised.

"We've got you," Lia assured, a bright smile pulling at her lips.

You put your head on her shoulder, thanking your lucky stars that you'll be alright soon and through it all, you've got the girls right there by your side.

ITZY Sixth Member ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now