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Spot the Taylor Swift reference, title excluded. There are 17, again


I entered the gala with my friend Florence. I had gotten my red dress on that night. The ambiance inside was like a club, the music was loud enough and some people were even dancing. It was weird to see all those famous people act like mundane people.

I saluated a lot of people but there was one that I more excited to see.  Flo grabbed my hand

« Oh look it's Scarlett! »

« Oh my gosh! » I said half interested half distracted by something else

Scarlett Johansson was walking towards us. It was not something you saw everyday. She hugged Flo and shook my hand. If I had to make a list of people I would wish to interview, she'd probably be on top of it. Not Aubrey. Because I had already interviewed her. Well... 'interviewed'... it had turned into something bigger.

« Kiara? Why are you smiling? » Scarlett asked

« Oh nothing, i'm sorry. I'm just so happy to he here. »

« Hi there. »

I never turned around as quick in my whole life. She had a voice that I could recognize anywhere. She was standing there, in front of me, in that beautiful black suit. I almost fainted. She was so feminine but she looked so... I don't know, call it what you want, I guess. Women in suits probably...

She approached me first

« Hi, Kiara. »

« H-hi, Aubrey. »

She shook Flo's hand too.

« Can I borrow her for a second? » she asked to the two other women standing with us

« Of course no problem. »

Next thing I knew Aubrey took me to the bathroom.

Standing in the corridor leading to the bathroom, she pinned me on a wall

« I missed you. » she said

« I missed you too. »

« Then why didn't you answer my texts? »

« I was busy. »

« Busy for what? »

« I need to prepare an interview. »

« With who? » she frowned the brows

« Why? Are you jealous? » I smirked

She clenched the jaw and looked away

« No. I just... am wondering. »

I grabbed her by the waist and smiled

« We have to go back at the gala. »

« I know... I don't want to, though. » she groaned « I hate fucking gala. We saluate people, drink champagne and eat olives, that's pretty much all. »

« We have all night after that. » I said with a smirk

She understood what I meant.

« Meet me at the entrance after the party. 9:45 not one minute late, princess. » she demanded

Hearing her calling me that made me blush again. I usually thought this nickname was corny but when she used it it was different.


I met her at the entrance at 9:45, not one minute late. I had made sure to say goodbye to everyone before. Florence knew where I was going

« Be safe, cheeky. » she said with her british accent

Her calling me cheeky everytime I was with a celebrity was basically a friendly way to call me a whore. It was our little inside joke. We hugged to say goodbye and then, I met Aubrey at the entrance. When I arrived, she said

« We're going now. »

We were in Paris so obviously, we couldn't take a car or even a taxi. Instead, we used the metro. It was less romantic but we had no choice. It was that or the bus.

At this hour, there wasn't a lot of people. During all the ride, I could feel the tension between us. Her hand on my thigh, she chuckled

« I saw Alison Brie. »

« Oh yeah? You're friends. »

« No, but we hooked up ages ago. »

She knew it'd make me jealous.

« When? »

« 2003. We were unbearable at that time. New in the Hollywood industry. » she took a pause « Wanna see a photo? »

« No I don't, but thanks though. »

« Oh don't be jealous, my love. I love you better. »

« My love, uh? » I asked finding myself smiling like an idiot

She always knew how to make me smile even if I wanted to be angry at her

« Yes. Mon amour. » she repeated in french

« Stop. It's corny. » I said, but deep down, it made me melt

« Oh shut up, my entire self is embarrassing and corny. I said it in an interview, I love to be humiliated and laughed at. You love me for that, though, so...»

« Can't say you're wrong. »

When our stopped arrive, we got out fast. The fresh air felt good. France was a country I always cherished. The food, the natural beauty... not the people...

We stumbled down in the alleys while kissing. We arrived at the lobby and went to my room. In the elevator, I couldn't help. I kissed her.

I kissed her on the face, the lips, the neck, the collarbone. I wanted her. We couldn't help. We were in love. We just were attracted to each other no matter what we did.

We arrived at my room, as soon as we did, she closed and locked the door and I jumped on the bed. I took something out of my bag

« Dom perignon, uh? » she said

« I got it in. » I smiled back

We drank champagne on the bed while kissing. Everything was a mess. The sheets smelled like bubbles, we smelled sweaty and we were drunk. I was so in love, I lacked of air. She kept kissing myself as we both got drunker.

When we looked outside, I was taken by the view. I heard her grabbing something, her phone

« Smile my love, we're in Paris. »

I tried to hid my face but too late. And she kissed me again. Eventually, when we closed the lights, the only thing we could see was was the Eiffel tower in the midnight sky. She took me somehwere else. Somewhere far above Paris.


Twisted in bed sheets, I looked outside, the sun wasn't entirely high in the sky. Aubrey was sitting on the balcony in a bathrobe. I got up and on her lap, hugging her neck

« I wanna brainwash you into loving me forever. »

« No need to brainwash me, love. I'm already fond of you. »

I kissed her again for the I don't know what time in 12 hours.

« Did you see the news? Aubrey Plaza and a journalist seen outside the hotel together. »

« No I didn't see the news, I was somewhere else. » I smirked

« I love you. »

« Moi aussi. »

« Who's corny now. »

« Oh shut up. »

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