how he is with PDA

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Dizzy Dylan:

He isn't a big PDA guy in public but if you're uncomfortable in a situation he wouldn't hesitate to hold you

Omg he is PDA sick boy he would love for your touch or to hold you, thigh holds in the car

Baylen Levine:
He loves to hold your hand but on film he's jumping around throwing things, MASSIVE CUDDLER!

Kyle Johnson:
He's a insecure little boy around others too nervous to touch you in public but when you really need it he will have his hand on your lower back

D'Aydrian Harding:
His fans love you knowing they are all little boys they are all touchy with you in Fan meet ups so he holds your hand close around big crowds and the longest cuddles on the couch for the rest of the night

Lil peej:
Omds he loves to hold you're body in his arms he loves when you braid his hair or pull on it when it during yk

( I forgot Lofe lmao)

He loves your thighs big or small he loves to hold them especially when fun time comes around

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