"Sexuality is an important thing with your partner on the dance floor, especially when it's a supposed to evoke passion and lust between the people who are doing it. There are slow and sultry dances, fun and fast, and then there are dances like the mambo which are is more of a fiery love affair." Her eyes sparkled. "A lot of Latin dances are like that."

"Ah..." I hummed.

"Dancing is sort of like acting, Baby." She continued. "Even if you hate the person you're doing it with, it's your job to trick everyone else into believing the story your telling together is true. Because that's what you're doing; you're telling a story with your body and actions."

"I don't hate Michael..." I said lightly, glancing down at him from his spot on the floor.

He smiled admonishingly at me.

Tatiana continued again. "With this particular dance Michael of course is the leading man, and you are the leading woman. What kind of love story would Breakfast at Tiffany's have made if we didn't really believe Audrey Hepburns character was a strong and confident woman maneuvering her way through a new city?"

"Not much of one." I guessed and she nodded.

"It's all about confidence, Baby." She said pointedly, fanning our pressed hands to the sides before bringing them between us once again; our feet didn't falter. "You're a beautiful and alluring young woman, and you shouldn't be afraid to show more of that side during the performance."

I couldn't help the laugh that bubbled up. Was she talking about the right person?

"I'm serious!" She chastised sharply, and I pressed my lips together, trying not poise myself once again. "And you have to believe that, even if it's just for five minutes this Thursday. It's a very powerful feeling when you harness that ability. Michael may be leading the dance, you accent him." She tilted her head. "Men will want to be him, but they'll want to be with you. It's all apart of the act."

Picturing myself in Tatiana's shoes was a hard thing to accomplish, especially when we were very different people. So the thought of taking her place for even five minutes was perplexing to say the least.

But, I'd try.

She sighed, stopping the dance as she placed a hand on her thick belt. "You're still not harnessing it."

"I'm just not a very sensual person, Tatiana." I said honestly with a shrug, "It's not exactly something that I'm good at. That passion you're talking about is basically alien to me."

"Well we have to capture it some how..." She thought. "Think about the first man you'd ever felt something for; that first love. How did it make you feel? What did it make you do? Take those feelings and put it into every step you take."

Well considering the only man I'd ever felt mature feelings for was sitting on a pillow three feet away watching us...

She waited patiently for me, and I realized she wanted a real answer.

"Uh..." I sighed heavily, and the only thing that could come to mind was the first time I'd ever seen him in the dining hall. That feeling of complete and utter euphoria and curiosity, making me disregard any rational thoughts as I watched a man who I had no chance of ever keeping. I tried to replicate that first sight.

Dirty Dancing: A Diana StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin