You were happy that he tried to make Riko feel better and have her best time but a little part in you wished that he would pay more attention to you as well.

"Hey y/n. Y/n?" Suguru said and you shook your head as if you woke from a dream. Perhaps you were thinking too deeply.

"Oh uh yeah sorry I was just thinking."you smiled and he nodded.

"When we will be back at jujutsu high I think you will have training with me." He said and you looked curiously.

"Oh? Did Yaga tell you this?" You said and he nodded.

"He thinks that you need to improve your physical combat style, that's why he thought I may help you with that."he said and you nodded.

"Thank you so much Suguru-san! But you won't throw one of your worm curses at me right? You know how much I hate those."you said with q small frown and he laughed.

"Of course not, after all it's physical combat."he said and you smiled reassured.

"You both done talking about boring stuff?" Gojo said with a grin and you rolled your eyes.

"That's not boring, it's called practice Satoru, I know that your the strongest but you should try it too."Suguru said and you laughed while you high-fived with him, Satoru just looked at you both with an annoyed face and shook his head.

"2 against 1 isn't that fair is it..."he said trying to look hurt and you smirked.

"Ah well I'm sure it won't be a problem for Mr. Im-the-strongest-sorcerer-alive."you said and he gasped.

"Y/n chan I'm your senior! For this you will call me senpai from now on."he said crossing his arms.

"Sure Satoru-senpai."you said making a cute face. Satoru looked at you a little stunned for one second and after he ruffled your hair making you close your eyes just so you won't see the pink that dusted his cheeks. Of course his best friend noticed and smiled.


"Ugh..."you said as you got up from your bed. You couldn't fall asleep no matter what you did.

As you took your night gown you went out on the balcony to get some fresh air.

As you looked at the stary sky you sighted.
You thought about Riko and her fate, sure it seemed like a cruel fate but it had to be done. That was the truth about the jujutsu world, sacrifices had to be done and the elders were behind every bad thing, you didn't like that you lived in a corrupted world but you were too little to change something.

"Couldn't sleep?" You heard a voice and you turned surprised to see Gojo standing next to you on the shared balcony.

"Something like that, what about you? Still protecting us?"you said and he smirked.

"Yeah but I don't need rest, I'm not even tired." He said and you looked at him.

"You can be honest with me Satoru, are you sure your fine?" You smiled gently and you looked at him.

"I am really, you don't have to worry."he said and you sat on the bench. He joined you soon and you looked at the ocean.

"It's beautiful isn't it?"you said and he looked at you.


"Satoru...uhm, I know that this sounds weird but may I ask you something?"you said and he nodded.

"Isn't it hard to be the strongest?"you asked and he looked at you surprised.

"Well it comes with responsibility but it's not that hard."he said with a smirk and you looked at his sunglasses.

Strongest || Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now