"Come eat with us here, Baiboon. Oh, and you too, Kom. I've a few questions about Baiboon's studies ," Kamol orders, making Kom who was standing nearby bow his head. Kamol then motions Baiboon towards the table as well.

"Yes, Sir," Baiboon replies. Soon the four of them are seated on the dinner table with Kamol at the head of the table. To his right is Kim and beside Kim is Baiboon who was dragged by Kim to sit beside him. To the left of Kamol is Kom.

"You'll start school tomorrow, right?" Kamol asks Baiboon.

"Yes, Sir " Baiboon replies softly because he's still a little shy being on the same dinner table with Kamol and Kim.

"Then tomorrow, I'll have Kom send you to school himself," Kamol says.

"Uh... Baiboon can actually go by himself, Sir. Baiboon already Grandma what bus to ride from here to school," Baiboon immediately replies not wanting to bother anyone else more than he thinks he already has.

"Just let Kom send you," Kamol says with finality, making Baiboon shut his mouth and nod his head.

"Khun Kamol, please speak a little nicer. Remember, Baiboon is just a boy. And he's also not your subordinates. Please, speak with him in a nicer tone," Kim admonished Kamol.

"This is my normal voice," Kamol replies.

"Yes. It's very normal, indeed," Kim replies sarcastically, as he places food on a plate before handing it to Baiboon. Kom alternates his eyes towards Baiboon , Kim, and Kamol, all the while thinking how the trio makes perfect "father, mother, and son eating together" setup.

"You don't mind that I put you in-charge of Baiboon, right?" Kamol asks Kom not wanting his subordinates to think as though he's demoting him or something. In truth, Kamol arranged it that way to give Kom some time to rest. Because Kom is a very workaholic person.

"No problem," Kom replies then turns to look at Baiboon who is also looking at him with a soft smile, making Kom feel as though this was the most delicious meal he's ever had.

After eating, Baiboon helps his Grandmother clean the table before deciding to head back home. But Kim catches up to him and invites him to watch movie together. After a bit of reluctance, Kim succeeds in dragging Baiboon to their movie marathon. On the other hand, Kom and Kamol heads to the latter's office to discuss work.

Baiboon had a lot of fun watching the movie with Kim. But after a while he fell asleep on the sofa. Kim looks at Baiboon and smiles softly. He decides to let the young boy sleep and just wake him up after the movie- their second- ends so that he could go back to his house.

"What are you guys watching?" asks Kamol when he enters the movie room.

"See it for yourself." Kim replies without looking at Kamol.

"Kom, take Baiboon back to their house first. He has school tomorrow." Kamol tells Kom when he sees Baiboon asleep on the sofa.

"Baiboon, wake up! Baiboon..." Kom calls in a normal tone, causing Baiboon to wake up silently. "Let's take you home to sleep."

Baiboon hears everything and nods his head, but his eyes refuse to cooperate. So Kom takes Baiboon's hands and leads him out of the room. Because he's so sleepy, Baiboon forgets to say goodbye to Kamol and Kim, who both thought nothing about it. As Kom leads Baiboon out of the main house, he notices that Baiboon is unable to walk in the right direction. So, he stops and look at the boy before smiling when he sees Baiboon about to asleep.

"Can you walk?" Kom asks. Baiboon hears it but he's so sleepy his eyes won't open.

"No, Baiboon is sleepy, Phi," says the young boy in a low voice. His face looks like he wants to sleep right there.

Unforgotten Night [Kom X baiboon] Eng TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now