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{Michael's POV}

I tapped my fingers repeatedly on my bouncing leg as Minnie called her parents letting them know the situation and why she was staying at the hospital. Marvel and I sat watching Luke as he paced around the hospital waiting room for almost 20 minutes, and Amber's parents sat in the corner, anxiously biting their nails. I was honestly surprised they had the audacity to show up here after what they had said to her. I slowly let the anger bubble up in me and I had no intention of confronting her family, but her mom had started to cry whining over how Amber shouldn't have left. Her eyes, still rimmed with tears, stared at me blankly as I walked my way to be in front of them.

"Mr. and Mrs. Hemmings, you guys shouldn't be here." My words were laced with bitterness in my head, but as they came out they sounded sincere, like I almost felt bad for them.

"M-Michael, my dear." Mrs. Hemmings stood up and straightened out her skirt, engulfing me in a hug. I kept my arms tight to my side and waited until she let go.

"No, you guys need to go. We both know Amber doesn't want you here. She couldn't even live with her own parents, because she wanted to keep the baby. Why would she want you here?"

"She should've aborted! It would've made this so much easier."

"She couldn't do it! She tried, but yet she couldn't! Amber has a huge heart and she just..." I inhaled a sharp breath through my nose. "Your daughter is maybe the most amazing person in this world. She has seen what parents do when they don't want their kids, but she wants her daughter. She wants us to raise her together, and she thinks we'll be great parents to our little girl. If you guys can't see that, we don't want them to have any contact-,"

"Wait, slow down Michael. It's a girl?" A small smile tugged at the corner of her mom's face. She quickly glanced over at her husband, the smile growing.

"It is?" Luke suddenly seemed interested in the conversation, and he seemed excited. "So I'm going to have a little neice?" His smile started to match his mother's and Marvel's.

"Yeah," I gave a slight smile at Luke, but it disappeared once I faced his mom. "Yeah, you'd know that if you were actually involved in your daughter's life. You would also know that she was originally going to have one boy and one girl, but he miscarried. His name would've been Adam."

Her smile faltered a little bit. "Oh, I'm so sorry." She rested her overworked hands on my shaking forearms, until I shook them off.

"Yeah, me too. You guys can stay, but I still don't think you should ever see her." I shook my head and walked back to a chair. Luke had taken my old chair next to Marvel, and Amber would've been fangirling over how adorable they looked. She had rested her head on his shoulder and right as I sat down, Luke had moved her dark brown hair out of the way and kissed her forehead lightly. I smiled softly to myself. I'm going to have a little baby girl.

If anything, I hope she looks exactly like Amber, and not Ashton... That would be crushing to have her be a spitting image of her "father". But maybe not, because then I'm going to have my hands full with such a beautiful daughter. All of the boys will end up falling in love with her naturally wavy, light brown hair and coffee coloured eyes. If her personality is anything like her mom's... she's really in for a rollercoaster of boys chasing after her. She's going to be such a heartbreaker. Oh my god, she really is. I'm going to be a dad.

I am going to be a dad.

7 months {sequel to The Tutor}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें