chapter 1

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golden guard (hunter):she had a fanticon writt

souts guard:yes

golden guard (derwin):she had food writt ok screepy

katya:hey you are screepy

golden guard (derwin) go to katya

hunter:need you

derwin:i do

derwin go to katya

derwin:so fanticon girl tell me all

katya:ugh how i say you stupid nerd
i have fanticon writt i love and food

derwin make maske off

derwin grab katya face

derwin:listen your fanticon things are bored or so

katya:haha and you are so bored but yo hate angry how a nerd haha

bring she Conformatorium
that is your new home haha

katya ingoried him

months later

derwin:bye steve

steve:bye derw

derwin go back home
derwin had not good sleep

derwin:hi i am back

raine voice:ah hi derwin ^^ come in and hey we have a new roommate and she can amber pay attention

derwin:ah cool how old is she

raine:she is older as you :3
but she is 18 year old

derwin:can i she see

raine:sure ^^ katya come you

derwin think:wait katya

katya:oh you nice see you again angry nerd haha

raine:oh you know her 0-0

derwin:yes parent
and how had you befreed you stupid cat

katya:i am not cat
i am vampir

amber:katya had me all tell

raine:oh that why you a bad day had

derwin:right  Parent raine and say me not that she stay

raine:derw plz

amber:i am alone 🥺
you and parent raine you since not here



katya:thanks angry nerd

derwin:ugh leave me alone you bored fanticon

katya go

amber:that was not kind derw

amber go to katya

derwin:i go room
gn parent raine and sis

derwin go room and closed the door

lio growls

derwin:hh yeah you had right and amber too
she is too a wild witch how amber and me and the other
i i give she a chance maybe

lio growls

derwin:thanks 😌
you are a good palisman lio

derwin the golden guard Where stories live. Discover now