"You're face is really red Tyler." I laughed at how cute he looked. He rubbed his facial hair, smiling.

"I'm a bit winded from the ride, I can't help it." He wrapped an arm around me as we exited the tent.

We made our way over to another ride that looked a bit suspicious. It was enclosed and looked like an UFO. The word Gravitron was in huge, space-type lettering on the ceiling. My stomach shifted a little when I saw how suspicious it looked. "What is this?" I asked Tyler.

"The Gravitron?" He pointed to the word on top of the ride. "It says it right there."

I rolled my eyes. "Obviously. I meant what type of ride?"

"You'll see." Tyler walked to the entrance and waited for the riders to exit. When everyone exited, we flashed the operator our wristbands that admitted us onto all of the rides.

Inside, it was a bunch of vertical cushioned slats in a circle. Aliens and space like murals were painted on the walls, while a huge seat that was probably for the operator sat in the middle. I followed Tyler to the back of the ride, and watched as he stood against a slat.

"There's no seat belt or anything?" I asked. Tyler laughed and shook his head.

"Gravity keeps your body against the wall. You'll see, just don't move when it starts." He ran his fingers through the ends of my hair smiling.

I turned around and saw little kids running into the slats. Some of them found a way to hang off the top of them, their fingers clenching the thin cusion. Everything about this was confusing me. Why are people hanging off of the damn slats? I turned towards Tyler who was still messing with my hair, and saw him smile.

The ride began to spin, and the kids began screaming. They vigorously slammed their bodies against the wall, some of the ones hanging on by their fingers began kicking the slats. More kids began to climb against the slats and suddenly, I saw one slide up to the ceiling.

All around me, they began to slide up and hit the ceiling. Instantly, I screamed. This was creeping me to a new level. My slat slid up, causing me to scream even more. Tyler was laughing out of control next to me. By this point, the kid's heads were touching the ceiling. By some way that had to defy science, one was sitting crossed leg on the slat.

I felt a tear roll down my face, as the slats began to slide down. Kids began screaming as their feet hit the floor, some of them still managing to hold on. Nothing was making sense on this ride. "Tyler, what the hell?" I choked out, my spit drying in my throat.

He didn't hear me over his laughing. The ride began to slow down, as I could feel blood run through my veins properly again. I looked over at Tyler, who was rubbing his eyes.

We finally exited the ride, which left me dizzy and a little light headed. My stomach felt a bit weird and uncomfortable. I told Tyler as he checked his phone.

"Do you want to sit down for a little?" He looked a bit concerned which was hard to be taken serious, thanks to his tomato red face and his wild hair. I nodded in response.

We found a bench and sat down, as he continued to check his phone. "Jason and Jamie are here." He told me.

I managed a smile as I laid my head again the bench. "That's ni-"

"Look at the love birds!" A familiar voice called, approaching Tyler and I. I turned around and saw, indeed, Jamie and Jason.

I never actually formally met them. Jamie was always very welcoming and would flash me a grin when I would come to their practices. Ed gave me his number, just in case an ""emergency"" happened, and him and Tyler were unreachable.

I never met Jason a day in my life. He was one of my favorite players on the Stars for a while, and I always thought he was cute. He looked even better in person, to be honest.

"Hey guys," Tyler shook and hugged the both of them before looking at me. "You guys know Savannah, obviously."

I smiled, managing to get up and hug the both of them. "It's nice to meet you guys."

"Finally. Right Sav?" Jamie elbowed me, flashing a goofy smile that made me do the same.

Tyler glanced at me with a bit of solemnity in his eyes. I smiled at him, which caused his features to loosen a bit. "So, what are we going to get on?" He said.

"Let's get on those Bear things that spin around." Jamie pointed behind Tyler, at an area that had seats that looked like bears. Tyler shrugged, and looked towards me again.

"Are you going to be okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

The four of us then began to make our way over, enjoying the warm spring night.

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