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It was a dark winter night. A man walked down the street, some would say he could be quite orange... That didn't stop him, being the most handsome old greasy man he worked for a flower shop down the street. 

Mystic orange man POV: 

China... I mean, ah yes my flower shopuh. I turn over to my left to see a beautiful man walking near the flower shop jogging and dancing. thats the resident bad boy Obama. His non existent hair bobs through the wind, and shines under the moon light. Maybe I should invite him over... he's kinda cute. 

Obama POV:

This old greasy man keeps staring at me. I should bully him. 

"Hey there baby gorl ;)"  I say confident in my bagging abilities. 

I walked up super buff and confident. I'm gonna get some dick tonite ;) or at least bully someone. 

He stutters "um.. um... ummm. hi :)"

"whats your name bbg?" I slam my hand against the wall trapping him so then he cant run away from me. 

"My name... is Donald but my friends call me Trump" Donald said trembling in fear from the amount of sheer girth my presence contained.

Trump POV:

My heart is fluttering and going a thousand beats per second. He's violating me... but I like it. 

He suddenly grabs me by my shirt and slams me against the wall (pun intended). I feel the pee running down my pants from how scared I am. 

"oopsie poosie" I say, cringing at my words. 

"Don't worry Trumpy dumpy... I still love you, wait i didnt mean to say that that quick" He sighs and face palms himself. 

"No its okay, i also had love at first sight... I love you too Obama" I reply quickly trying to save him from further embarrassment. 

He... he LOVES me... HE LOVES ME. 

You take down my walls  {Obama x Trump}Where stories live. Discover now