The Terror of Tal'Dorei: Act Two

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Warning: Cursing, Violence, Blood, Death, Gore

Man, I'm so used to LMK's episodes being so short so I can just write each episode in one chapter, and now Vox Machina's ones are like, twenty something minutes, so I've gotta split each episode up into two's crazy.

O'Si--The Dungeons and Dragons Elvish word for Mother
Os'Tan--The Dungeons and Dragons Elvish word for Uncle

I couldn't help but let out a happy sigh, as I flew besides the airship carrying my family and Lady Allura to the Shale Steps, having missed the feeling of the wind in my hair, and being able to fly. Usually, my large blue wings were tucked away so as not to get in anyone's way, reserved solely for scouting and long trips.

So to be able to fly like this, and stretch out those sore appendages of mine was a dream, even though were could potentially be flying towards our death. I'm honestly surprised papa even let me come along, given how little information we were given.

He probably didn't want to leave me alone in the city.

Feeling eyes on me, I looked down to where Lady Allura was standing alone, the older woman blinking in surprise as we made eye contact, and stepping back a bit as I flew down and landed in front of her, "Is...something the matter?"

"It's nothing," She waved my curiosity off, still eyeing my wings, as she tried to remain her normally composed self. "I just....I've never actually seen a Dragonborn with wings before."

"So I've been told," I laughed, remembering one of my old teachers gaping in shock, when they'd seen me stretching them for the first time, as I tucked them back into my clothes. "But then again, there aren't many of my kind to begin with...or so I've heard."

"Yes," She hummed, as we looked down at the rest of my family, some of which were running around like little kids in excitement, and others--like papa--who were frowning as they thought about....well, lots of things I guess. "Many of your species have either been killed off for their connection to the dragons, or have gone into hiding, if the rumors are true."

"I'm honestly kind of curious about what the others of my kind are like," Leaning on the ship's railing and looking out over the sea of green that was before us, I noted how varying houses and villages dotted it, a rush of adrenaline from being this high up filled me with excitement, before turning to the human. "Can you tell me?"

"You've never met another of your kind? What about your parents?" Surprise shown in the woman's purple eyes, upon the newfound information. 

I pointed down at papa and O'Si, who were talking with one another, "You've already met them. Papa found me when I was little, and O'Si filled the mother role later on. This crazy group is, my family."

"I see, my apologies for bringing up such a memory. I'm certain the loss was terrible," The councilwoman bowed her head in apology, to which I simply waved it off.

"Eh, it's not like I remember anything before the night papa found me, so there's no real trauma there," Shrugging, a smiled and waved as my father turned back to where I was standing, himself giving a small smile and waving back before continuing his conversation with Vex and Vax. "I honestly wouldn't trade these dummies for anything."

"I suppose that answers my question, as to why someone like yourself is traveling with them in the first place," Humming, Lady Allura sighed in exasperation as Grog knocked into a part of the ship and made a dent, myself wincing. "You have a great amount of potential when it comes to sorcery, perhaps once your little group has dealt with the threat, you'd like to take some lessons?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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