the outsiders

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Ezra pov
I was sitting on a rock, admiring the fish that swam in our waters, suddenly everyone was crowding an empty part of the land. In panic, I hopped in the water to hide from any dangers, I met Tsireya, my cousin, (pretend Rotxo is their cousin) under the water with her ilu and I smiled at her in greeting. "Let's check the commotion out." Tsireya signed, I shrugged before swimming up to the shore.

Tsireya came up behind me as we both walked toward the crowd, others parting for us. Mainly cause Tsireya was Tsakaram (tsahik in training).

Our people kept making sounds to alarm one another of the situation. We walked in on Rotxo and Aonung making fun of the outsiders, "Enough. Rotxo. Aonung." Tsireya interfered.

I sent Rotxo a look to warn him to behave himself before scanning the appearances of the outsiders, I stumbled upon a girl na'vi, I couldn't help but blush at her as we stared at each other. "Ezra's got a crush~" I hissed at Rotxo and Aonung, they were going to tease me so much.

Toniwari rode his (I forgot) and landed gracefully, greeting the other na'vi. Ronal paced to her mate, eyeing the other na'vi cautiously.

"I see you, Toniwari." The one that looked like the father did the "I see you" gesture respectfully. So did the rest. "Why do you come to us, Jake Sully?" Toniwari asks, the father na'vi speaks up, "We seek ukturu." Ronal gasped, "Ukturu?" I knew exactly what was to come after that.

"A sanctuary for my family." He finished. "We are reef people, you are forest people, your skills will be nothing here." Toniwari cleared things up,

The father na'vi spoke again. "We'll learn your ways."

Ronal started inspecting their bodies, their arms being too thin and their tails too weak. "They are not even true na'vi!" That got my attention as Ronal held up the girl na'vi's hand, which had one finger extra.

The crowd gasped, I was intrigued. "They have demon blood!" Ronal held up a na'vi boy's hands.

The father held up his hands to reveal dove fingers, "I adapted, we will adapt." He stated. Ronal thought thoroughly, the woman walked in telling a story about her mate, who is Toruk Makto. "This is what you call victory, hiding among strangers?" Ronal mocked, "It seems Eywa has turned her back on you, chosen one." the omaticaya woman hissed at the Tsahik, in return being growled at back.

"I apologize for my mate, she's tired from the flight." His mate denied it though, "Toruk Makto was a Great War leader,"

"We, the Metkayina, do not have war." Toniwari said, turning to Toruk Makto, "We cannot bring your war here." Toniwari rejected their stay, the father denied that he had any trouble.

I moved forward a bit, "Ukturu has been asked." The na'vi woman repeated.

Toniwari turned his back to the Sully family, talking with his mate silently. Their strong mate bond gave them that ability. "Toruk Makto and his family will stay with us, treat them as our brothers and sisters." He inspected everyone's reaction, "Teach them our ways. Though, they will be like babies taking their first breath, don't let them suffer the pain of being useless." Toniwari said before setting me, Aonung, Tsireya and Rotxo in charge of teaching the children.

Aonung had a big problem with that.

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