Wen Xu came to his room. Man tian was looking at her shopping.

Man tian, "Did you asked about your sister's health?"

Wen Xu, "No, there's no need".

Man tian, "But why?"

Wen Xu, "Darling! It's all a drama. She's acting. Darling! Go and ask about her health".

Man tian, "First you said you that it is all a drama and now you are saying to ask about her health? Like seriously".

Wen Xu, "Just go... Don't ask much".

Man tian, "OK... First let me keep these shopping bags in cupboard". Wen Xu nod.

Man tian went towards Zanilia's room but stopped to hear what this mother and daughter are talking about.

Zanilia, "Mom! Why is Yibo not giving any attention to me. Now that wizard Xiao Zhan is also not around. I can't take this mom. My plan to kick out Zhan from Yibo's life has failed. I can't let my hardwork go in vain. I did this 'Brain tumor' drama in order to get back everything and to re marry Yibo but... It isn't working at all".

Cici, "I know Zanilia. But what else can we do? You just have to wait".

Zanilia,"How much more I have to wait".

Man tian who heard all this went back to her room.

She sat on the bed and said, "You were right Wen Xu. She really is doing a drama".

Wen Xu, "What are you...talking about?"

Man tian, "Don't act innocent. I have known everything. I heard your mother and sister's conversation".

Wen Xu, "You were eavesdropping them".

Man tian, "Oh come on... I was there to ask about your Sister's health as you told me... I just overheard their conversation".

Wen Xu, "Now as you have known, keep your mouth shut, don't tell anyone about this".

Man tian, "OK I won't tell anyone but if your mother and sister's behavior didn't became good with me, I will spill out everything".

Wen Xu, "I have already told them. They won't argue with you again".

Man tian, "Good".


On the other hand, Zhan was taking good care of Crystal. Crystal even asked for forgiveness from Zhan from her 'mistreatment with Zhan'. Zhan forgave her, she hugged Zhan.


Zanilia called Darren and told him to 'prepare for kidnapping Xiao Zhan tomorrow '. Darren agreed and asked for 2 crore rupees for doing this work. Zanilia wasn't ready to give him 2 crore. She was tensed. Zanilia went to her room. She suddenly felt sharp pain in her head and she fainted. After sometime, Cici came there and took Zanilia to hospital to do some tests for her. Man tian took the test reports to check it. She smirked when she checked the test reports of Zanilia.

The next day, Man tian was urging Wen Xu to give her 2 lakh rupees to her.

Wen Xu, "Man tian! I don't have that much money. Didn't you did shopping of 80000 rupees yesterday?"

Man tian, "Yes I did but I need more".

Wen Xu, "I don't have. I'm not owner of mills that I'll have so much money".

Man tian, "no you have to give me otherwise.. I'll tell everyone about your deeds".

Wen Xu, "Don't you dare".

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