The worst form of pain is would know...

Start from the beginning

I open the bottle and pour it all over the grass holding the lighter with force, like It could run away from my grip.

The lighter I held in my hand turned on as a put my thumb on top the red switch, I bent down with the flame dancing with the wind yet not blowing out. I let it hit the tip of the grass and then the blaze rised up.

I could feel the heat practically blowing into my face, i only have a short amount of time before it blows out, i took the gloves that sat next to my side, and threw it in the dancing fire, i grew big and bold to the point I almost flinched.

I didn't bother to blow it out since it'll probably be a few minutes till the wind gets here strong and heavy.

I took the bloody dagger and put it in my leather pocket, and slipped my mask off, I stood up and turned towards the house were the girl was murdered.

I love Ross and Roy with all my heart, but how come this necklace would do anything to try to be with them, going as far as murder and vandalism...just so they can have them...and claim them as their own, why...?


A dark void spread across my eyes as they fluttered open from knocking at the front door that startled me, my head and ears throbbed horribly...was I high again?

No...I threw up and Robert made me lay down here, here on the couch.

God i probably looked weak and hopeless...

Was i having a mingrane or was it just a headache? I heard a distant knock on the door once again, ugh Do i have to get up?

I placed my short and stubby legs on the hard floor, my legs still wobbly and weak, he's good..remember?

I lifted myself up and my back stung as I was in agony, was it cause of my binder? Did I go past my hours?! Did my spine twist?!
Questions hit my head like bullets, honestly I would rather be hit by a bullet rather than questioning my entire bodily function.

No, i didn't go past my hours, the little clock in front of me told me so, that's good i guess...

A weird taste filled my mouth, it tasted like...medicine? Or maybe a type of pill...

I need to stop over thinking and just get the God damn door! I took a step with a slight limp towards the front door. I turned the little lock, acting as if this was my own home, I really wouldn't care if this was some type of serial killer...i really wouldn't.

I flung the door open, expecting a man or woman with a black mask and a gun in their grasp.

Instead I man, who strangely looks a lot like Robert with 3D glasses hanging on the collar of his shirt, he held on tight to the strap of his brown leather bag, he seemed to be around maybe 19 or 20.

"Heh, thanks Robert for opening the door i forgot my key-"

he cut himself off, looking down, noticing Im not Robert. I crossed my arms slightly irritated.

"Oh! Uh- hello young man! Uh what's your name?"

He said bending down, holding his hand out waiting for me to shake it.

"Roy. who are you?" I said in a rude manner

"Radford! Roberts older brother, I'm guessing you're one of his friends?"

"Best friend for that matter. Get your facts right."

I unfolded my arms and slammed my hand into his, once I let go i saw a red mark Im the middle of his palm, i really don't care.

"Ugh, you have a good grip huh?" He winced

I didn't answer. does he really think I'm going to give him respect just because he's a few years older than me? Im going to be an adult in 3 years!

I lifted himself off his knee, and looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

Radford POV

This kids acting like an asshole, he seems to not like me.

As he stared at me and I stared back, I noticed his legs, i could tell they're shaking and wobbly.

Did Robert-? NO! What the fuck dude he's like 14! He wouldn't do that!

I just need to get inside of my house and that's it.
"Can I come inside?" I asked politely.

He took a few minutes of hesitation till he moved away from the door frame.

I took a step inside and threw my bag on the couch till he responded with,"that's where I was sleeping." He said irritated. He took a step, but he had a slight limp in his legs.

What even happened...?

I looked away from him but in the corner of my eye I could see him wincing in pain, while he rubbed his forehead to stop the pain.

What's wrong with him...?

Srry this chapter is so short btw😭

And...I need some side ships to add. U can give me a few ships to add and I'll probably put them in somewhere, here's some i think I'm adding

-candybats (kevin x streber)
-Rick x Radford
-Lila x jaune
-Jack x John

Anyway good bye tell me some u wanna recommend

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