Chapter IV- Trust

Start from the beginning

They reached a doorway that was blocked by a large suit of armor that was in shambles on the floor. Suddenly, a loud bang was heard to the right of them. Sebastian took a step up to stand in front of Silver, his wand outstretched.

She looked around with wide eyes before leaning in and whispering to her friend. "Peeves."

"If it isn't Sebastian Sallow and his new little friend," the poltergeist chided, "I think Madame Scribner would be quite interested to hear of your latest exploits." The badly dressed Peeves sped through the ceiling towards the main floor of the library.

"Find your book," Sebastian said turning towards the girl. "I'll go find Scribner and try to find a good excuse for this."

Silver turned around to call her friend as he walked away, "I don't want you getting in trouble for this."

"Trust me, I have a way with the faculty," Sebastian said with far too much confidence.

Sebastian made his way back to the main floor looking for Peeves around every turn. It was about a 50/50 chance of the poltergeist actually telling Scribner. After all, his favorite way to spend his eternity was scaring the lights out of students.

Of course, Sebastian's luck had run out and he spotted that horrendous blue top and pink jacket floating towards Madame Scribner. He composed himself and walked calmly towards the old witch.

"Madame Scribner, I'm surprised you're still awake. Could you tell me where I could find a book to help me with this theory of magic assignment? I'm having trouble finding who first channeled magic through a wand." Sebastian was quite proud of his quick story.

"Mr. Sallow, please. Were you sneaking into the restricted section again? Detention seems to have done nothing to teach you your lesson. I will be bringing this to the Headmaster."


"No more excuses, Sebastian. Your uncle would be so disappointed." The mention of Solomon made his blood boil. "Peeves told me someone was with you. Who's your friend?"

"I came alone," Sebastian huffed.


Silver's heart sank to the floor when Sebastian confessed to Madame Scribner. Silver was always the one taking the fall for the girls in her orphanage. Always the one to step up and make sure none of the younger girls fell to the cruel hand of the nuns who saw no fault in leaving a child black and blue. It was almost reactionary when Sebastian covered for her. He didn't think twice before keeping her out of trouble.

Silver saw him slowly walking out towards the central hall and disillusioned herself before speeding off after him. He stopped on the landing a few flights up and looked around slightly pulling on the cuff of his robes. Silver removed her charm and stood before him, book in hand.

"You got the book," he smiled. "I hope this helps with figuring out whatever you saw in that pensive."

"It will." Silver looked up nervously at the brown-haired boy in front of her. "You didn't need to tell Scribner you were alone. I don't want you to take the fall for something that I did."

Sebastian placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "We were both in the restricted section, weren't we? There was no reason to drag you down with me. Anyways, I like having friends in my debt."

"I really mean it, Sebastian," she said grabbing the hand on her shoulder, "I've never had anyone to stand up for me like that. I am glad to be able to call you a friend." Silver did not drop the boy's hand.

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