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A/n: I'm skipping the scene where Gomez gets arrested and blah blah shit cause I'm lazy and wanna finish this book.)

Y/ns POV

I had a feeling that something wasn't right. Admiral also has been acting strange like, he's hiding something. I was in my dorm drawing.

Wednesday had apparently found out the monster was called a Hyde. The thing is, the Hyde was Tyler....... And she found out when she.... kissed him.

The image of her kissing someone made my stomach turn in a way I didn't like... Or what a normal person would say, jealousy.

'I think I like- no, I think I'm in love with Wednesday.'

The next thing I know my door busts open and Weems along with Enid barge in my room. ''Thornhill has Wednesday. I need you and Enid to find Wednesday now!''

I immediately get up from my chair grabbing my f/c jacket and running out of the room with enid as Admiral trailed behind.


As we were running, Enid suddenly stopped gripping her head as she had a panicked look. ''Enid?'' I looked at her nails as they started to grow. ''I think I'm wolfing out.'' She said.

''Go, find Wednesday.'' She told me holding her head still. ''What about you? I can't leave you here.'' Even if Enid and I aren't close, I still cared for her. ''I'll be fine, I'll catch up with you.'' She had made up her mind as I nodded. ''Admiral stay with her.'' I told him before I ran to find Wednesday.

I then hear thumping behind me and noticed Enid running with me as Admiral was on her head. I smiled before we continued running.


Wednesdays POV

I was being held up by my neck against a tree by Tyler in his Hyde form...

'This is it, I'm going to die. I was never able to actually tell Y/n, I. Love. Her........'

As I was about to accept my fate, something attacked Tyler making him let go of me. I fell to the ground before looking up and seeing a wolf with familiar blue and pink highlights in her hair.

''Enid.'' I then felt something lad on my hand seeing Admiral. I look around for Y/n but couldn't find her.

3rd POV

Enid was being pinned down by Tyler before a swarm of hornets pushed him off a her being surrounding him. The girls turned and saw Y/n moving her hands with the hornets movements as she neared Wednesday before letting Enid take over the fight for now.

Y/n then turned to Wednesday making sure she was alright. ''Go. Crackstone is on his way towards the school by now. We'll handle this.'' Wednesday got up letting Admiral sit on her shoulder, turning to run Y/n called for her.

''Wednesday! Don't die..... Ok?'' Wednesday turned to her before sprinting to her kissing her lips. Wednesday had her hands on Y/ns face as they kiss, before letting go.

Wednesday looked at Y/n in the eyes before running towards the school. Y/n smiled before focusing her attention to Tyler helping Enid fight him.


Y/ns POV

I had ran to school, into the quad looking for Wednesday since she wasn't outside with the others. I then saw Admiral on the floor on his side.

''Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Admiral, wha- what happened, Admiral.'' I picked him up into my palms trying to figure out what's wrong with him.

''Admiral, please, come on. Wake up, Admiral you can't leave me, please don't leave me. I can't lose you too.'' I was basically crying at this point as Admiral still didn't move. I pulled him to my chest slowly realizing..... He was dead..

I was now full on sobbing and yelling. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder seeing it a light fade, like a ghost. I turn and see, my dad.

''D-dad?' I looked at him. He then hugged me close laying my head on his chest. ''Hey little one.'' I hugged him back as I still held Admiral in my hands. I was still crying while he rubbed my back.

''It's ok now.'' He whispered still comforting me. I then looked at Admiral in my hands holding him close. ''I wish you where here with me for real dad.'' I told dad still looking at Admiral. ''I was always here. With you. Watching you grow, watching you make friends, watching you fall in love with Wednesday.'' I looked at him from the last statement slightly blushing.

All he did was look at me with a smile before looking at Admiral as I realized. 'Dad was Admiral this whole time.'

''Go, save her.'' I looked at him as I remembered about Wednesday. ''I love you kiddo.'' He said as it looked like he was fading away. ''I love you too dad.'' I said smiling at him before running to find Wednesday.


I had finally ran to the quad seeing Crackstone and Wednesday as she had an arrow in her chest. I saw a sword picking it up running at him, stabbing him.

''Stay away from Wednesday unless you wanna die again.'' I said with venom as he screamed in pain, disintegrating away. I dropped the sword running to Wednesday as she propped herself against the wall. ''WEDNESDAY!'' I ran to her as she was bleeding.

''Y/n?'' She had muttered looking at me, but I still heard her. ''Yea, it's me Wednesday, it's over now. I then slowly helped her up, we turned and saw Thornhill, or Laura Gates, her real name was standing there.

She was holding a gun at us before a group of bees flew towards her stinging her. I noticed they were Eugenes bees, and at that moment, there was Eugene. ''That's what you get when you mess with Nevermore. Bitch.'' He said still making the bees sting Laura.

''Nice job little bro.'' I complemented. Surprising both of us since I never really called him brother, but that didn't mean I didn't see him as one. ''Thanks big sis!'' He smiled with excitement. I smiled back before looking at Wednesday since I felt her already looking at me.

She also gave me a smile as we all walked out of the Quad.


3rd POV

Y/n, Eugene, and Wednesday walked to the gates, as Enid was frantically looking for her two friends. She then saw them, quickly running to the two girls hugging both of them as they all group hugged for the first time.

They pulled away as Weems came over to the girls. ''It is over.''


I didn't cry a little you did.............

Killing ButterfliesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora