The Terror of Tal'Dorei: Act One

Start from the beginning

"Who's drunk?! Not me. I'm great!" Jumping as Aunt Keyleth suddenly shot up from where she'd passed out on the table, both myself and father seemed to sigh in exasperation, as the Air Ashari tried--and failed--to stumble out of her seat, looking about ready to throw up that night's meal from all the alcohol she'd consumed. "I think we should go for another round!~"

"Auntie, maybe you should sit down," Getting up to help her, I was waved off--more like swatted off with the way she was swinging her arm--and could only watch in sympathy, as the woman suddenly went green in the face, and hucked up the contents of her stomach, Aunt Pike leaning over with furrowed brows as she patted the ginger on the back. 

"Didn't you only have one ale?" Cringing as another round of half digested food came back up, the poor gnome had to look away in order not to throw up herself, covering her mouth to avoid the smell.

Not me, I had the unfortunate ability to smell things from miles away, so even if I covered my nose, I could still smell the scent of stomach acid mixed with food. Thank you draconic genes.

"Augh! Watch it bitch," A growl sounded out, as some random mercenary came walking by the table, ruffly pushing my sick aunt aside and sauntering over to his table.

"Hey! You watch it, dicknose!" Uncle Grog shouted over at the other group, to which I immediately groaned, knowing what would soon be happening, quickly sitting down and praying to any deity that was listening, that we could finish this night out normally for once.

"Easy, Grog," Auntie Pike held up a hand, herself also glaring over at the rival table...I didn't need to see her face to know she was doing it. "We don't waste our time on talking to assholes, remember?"

"Oi, tavern keep! Another round for Vox Machina!" Vex called out to the bar woman, who was currently cleaning her counter, the half-elf's face showing to be quite smug. "The greatest band of mercenaries in all the realm."

'Here it comes,' I thought with a sigh, knowing that those words would most certainly, start another fight...they always did.

A laugh sounded from the table next to us, where the orc that'd pushed aunt Keyleth earlier, drunkenly swung around the ale in his hand, mockingly looking over at our table, "'The Greatest?' I heard you couldn't even rescue a cow from a burning barn!" His friends laughed alongside him, as the stranger slammed his cup down on the table, the sound making my ears ring and migraine worsen, "Vox Machina', what a fucking joke!"

Noticing Vax get up from his seat, I went to speak to try and stop the oncoming fight--which would certainly get us thrown out from yet another tavern--but Vex stopped me, by gently grabbing my arm and sitting me down, to where I could only watch as my uncle slammed the blade of his dagger down onto the stranger's table, "Let's keep things civil, friend."

'Your tone sounds like anything other than friendly!'

"We're not looking for trouble."

'And yet you storm over and slam your dagger into their seating area!'

The rude brute from earlier got up and walked towards my glaring uncle, stopping at when there was only a foot of space between them, and glaring down at the dark clad rouge, "Oh, I'll bet you ain't!" Everyone else in the tavern gasped as the orc grabbed Vax by the front of his shirt, lifting him up slightly so that they were nearly face to face, "Everyone knows that you're a bunch of pathetic losers, who can't get a fucking job!"

I noted how blue sparks seemed to dance around me, as I was forced to listen to this fucker insult my family, the sound of my spear's humming coming from where it rested on the wall, the weapon reacting to my emotions.

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