Part 9- third person

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It had been 4 years since the graduation ceremony to the day, They were all in their early twenties. Today was a day for celebration. Tam and Sophie had just finished their graduation ceremony, when Tam took Sophie's hand unexpectantly Sophie just looked at him but followed him. Sophie had never seen this part of the campus surprisingly and he would have remembered with her Photographic memory. 

She looked at a small garden. She had almost forgotten Tam was there until there was a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see Her boyfriend on one knee in front of her, holding a small Box. As he opened it he spoke softly, "Sophie Elizabeth Foster-Ruewen, will you make me the happiest man alive and Marry me?"  

Sophie froze, and to the few onlookers who hadn't met the couple, it seemed as if she was about to say no. But after about a second her surprise wore off and she said, "Of course I will."

Shortly after they held a wedding of just their closest family and friends. A month after Tam proposed Dex did the same. After the wedding Fitz and Keefe went together to propose. 

In the end everything was perfect not a thing was wrong and all was Happy and peaceful.

Time skip brought by Hedwig's lawn shop.

Until one day three years later, Sophie was driving home from work, she stopped in a gas station, Tam had just texted her to pick up some milk for Rose, their Daughter. When she walked in everything was okay, but also strangely tense, as she was about to pay, another woman maybe in her thirties, with blue eyes and black hair, not like Tams eyes, the woman's eyes were more of a dark almost cobalt blue. Just as Sophie finished Paying. Suddenly the woman grabbed Sophie and said, "I am Vespera, and you my dear are coming with me or you will regret it."

Sophie just twisted her arm away, but the woman-Vespera had a gun and shot Sophie, the bullet went through her heart, killing her instantly. 

The end

A/N im just joking please don't pull a Vespera. 

What actually happened.


Nothing everything was peaceful for the rest of their lives and for many years after their grandsons death when he was 80 years old.

A/N now that i hope you are all done being mad, I hope you will tell others to read the other stories I have wrote. Also a Thank you to any readers who have read either of my stories up to this point. Thank you all bunches.

Word count: 430

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