Night Terrors

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Warning: bullying, panic attacks.

Your roommates Enid and Wednesday are spending the weekend in Yoko's dorm, leaving you alone for the next two days. Recently, you have been having nightmares and flashbacks about your old school bully. Usually, Enid is there to comfort you, but now she's not here.

(Y/N's POV)

I wake up suddenly, I'm no longer in my dorm. I'm on a floor; it's cold, hard, and- oh my god... I'm somehow lying on the gym floor of my previous school.

"What the hell?!" I feel dizzy. I hear laughter in the distance; I recognize the shameful giggles of my old bully. I begin screaming and shaking. My vision goes foggy as my eyes fill with tears.

"You thought you could escape by attending a school full of stupid little outcasts like you? Such a pity you left before I could say bye... But it's okay because now I'm going to be the only person you get to say bye to!" I suddenly see my bully approaching in the corner of my eye, smacking a metal baseball bat against their hand. I screamed so hard I felt I was going to explode.

(Thornhill's POV)

It's 2 AM, and I can't sleep so I'm sitting on my bed grading work. All of a sudden I hear a scream. My heart skips a beat, I know it's Y/N, she's been having night terrors recently but Enid usually comforts her- then I remember, Enid and Wednesday are with Yoko for the weekend.

I shoot out of bed and rush down the hall to Y/N's dorm. I knock but no answer, I hear heavy breathing and crying from inside. I enter the dorm and run to Y/N's bed where I find her having a panic attack in her sleep. I begin shaking her, "Y/N wake up, it's okay I'm here!" I repeat. 

(Y/N's POV)

Suddenly, the world goes black; I return to reality. Everything is blurry and all I can hear is ringing I feel myself violently shaking as cold tears run down my face. Slowly my ears stop ringing a bit and I can hear Ms. Thornhill attempting to comfort me. "Y/N, it's all okay it's all okay" she frantically tells me as she notices me regaining conciseness. As my breathing starts to return to normal, I feel her pull me into a comforting hug. It feels so safe in her arms

5 Minutes Later

My panic attack passes, but I still remain in Ms. Thornhill's arms, lightly sobbing into her neck as she draws on my back with her finger. Finally, she pulls back and looks into my eyes with a frown and tears down her cheek. She lifts my chin, making me look at her. "You're so strong," she reassures me with her other hand on my cheek, wiping my tears away with her thumb. "T-thank you, Miss" she smiles. "I'm always here for you, I promise" she claims as kisses my forehead and begins to stand up." 

(Thornhill's POV)

I give her a forehead kiss and start to stand up to go to my dorm. "Wait-" Y/N stops me. I look back at her with concern, pausing myself. "Can you stay?" I walk back over to the girl while gently nodding 'yes'. "Of course, hun!" I crawl back into bed and get under the blankets. She cuddles up to me, resting her head on my chest while my arm lays around her. She falls asleep almost instantly. I blush and give her another kiss on her head, "Goodnight, love" I whisper.


Word Count: 619

I'm sorry for how short this is, I ran out of motivation. This is also my first time unironically making a fanfic so apologies if this is poorly written! Thanks for reading, have a lovely day/night!!

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