Chapter 17 - Unexpected Incident

Start from the beginning

After that, I look around at other people. And that's where I noticed two particular people. Okuma Ikuto and Koenji Rokusuke.

It seems that they are talking about something, that's why I decided to observe them.

"Hey, Koenji. Let's go to the cafeteria".

"Did you make my lunch". Koenji asked him, still looking on his hand mirror.

He looked at his behavior with annoyance before replying to him. "I already did. So you want to go?".

"Sure. Just make sure that the food you'd serve is fit to the perfect existence like me. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!".

Ignoring Koenji's hearty laugh, Okuma looked his bento in hesitation. "But still, the food I made is still too much for us. I should ask for another person. Is that okay for you?".

"I can let them join. As long as they were not being an eyesore to me".

He then looked around the classroom as he landed his sights on me. I then immediately averted my eyes, just so that I won't assume that he will ask me.

However, while I deny that he will ask me for lunch, I can't help but feel that his steps sounds nearer and nearer.

After that, he stopped while I felt a shadow covering my entire body. And when I look at the side, it is none other than Okuma who was covering me with his shadow.

"Want to join lunch with us, Ayanokouji? It's my treat". He asked me, displaying the bento on his hand.

"Uh, are you sure?". I asked hesitantly.

"Of course, even Koenji said that he won't mind". He said, pointing his thumb towards Koenji's direction.

Well, I don't mind free food at all. Besides, I'm very lacking in points since I used it to save Sudou. Moreover, I could learn more what Okuma and Koenji did whenever they are eating lunch.

"Well, please take care of me".

"Good, now pack up your things because we will now go to the cafeteria". 

I then grabbed my bag and walked out to the classroom with three of us in tow. Eventually, we reached the cafeteria.


When we took our seat, Okuma took out a big bento box. Which is more bigger than an average bento box.

And when he opened it, it consist of rice, tempura, homemade sushi, and a homemade sauce for both the tempura and sushi.


When I took a taste of it, it tastes so delicious. While the outer texture of the tempura is crispy, the inside is so soft and tasty that it is already good without a sauce. But when I dipped it with the homemade sauce, the taste become more exquisite. The tempura won't able to release it's full potential if it is not paired with sauce.

And as for the sushi, the meat is tender. And when it is dipped with sauce, it became more tastier than before.

"Such delicacy. This can't be compared to what this school has to offer".

At Koenj's comment, I can't help but nod in agreement. Compared to the school's most expensive dishes, this is top-tier.

Curious about something, I asked Okuma. "By the way, I'm curious why did you cook for Koenji?".

"That's because I somehow lost to him". He replied in annoyance.

" 'Somehow'? You mean you 'definitely' lost?". Koenji grinned at him with ridicule.

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