Chapter 2 Another Beautiful Day

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3rd POV

Neru, resident of room 101 of Hanabi apartment, was not a morning person, in fact, he hated everything about the time of day. Everyday he would wake up to a beam of sunlight streaming onto his face through the crack in his curtains which, by the way, doesn't close properly. No matter how hard he pulls on them, they'll always be a tiny crack.

After that, he spends about five minutes contemplating if he should get up before he finally does. He would pull himself off the ground and then slink over to the bathroom so he can take a shower, that usually wakes him up, but it didn't make him feel any better that it was morning.

Then he would eat breakfast and then go out to take out the garbage once a week. That's what he was doing today, glaring up at the sun as it shown down on him, mocking him.

"Stupid sun..." He mutter to himself as he hauled several trash bags towards the bins near the apartment. He threw the bags in their respected bins and was trudging back to his room when the door to room 203 opened. Neru didn't pay the busty blonde babe stepping out of the apartment and looking up at the bright ball of hate in the sky any mind as he returned to his own room and closed the door behind him.

.......Wait a moment.

He backtracked out the door and looked up at the second story landing. She was still there, now staring down at him as he stared back up at her.

Harribel stared down at the strange man gawking up at her. She didn't like the way he was staring. Staring to her was the things that Hollows stupid enough to think they could eat her did before charging at her with their jaws open. She was contemplating on wether or not she should kill this one like she did with the others when a voice came from inside the apartment.

"Tia chan! Breakfast is ready!! You can stare at the sun all you want later!!"

Harribel gave a last look and the guy down bellow before disappearing into the apartment.

Neru was left standing there alone. He had just seen a busty blonde babe with tanned skin, green eyes and plump lips walked out of the landlord's apartment and then walk back inside when he called for her. After much thinking, he had come to the only logical explanation he could come up with; he was dreaming. He was dreaming that a busty blonde babe was living with his crazy landlord, that had to be the case. Any second now he was going to wake up and be in his futon, sunlight shining through the crack in his curtains..... Any second now....

He closed his eyes and concentrated really hard. He imagined the soft feeling of his futon against  back, his pillow cradling his head, his blanket holding him close to keep him warm form the cold morning air, yes, he could feel it and if he opened his eyes, he would be laying in his apartment.

He soon found out the sensations he was feeling were all in his head as he opened his eyes to find he was standing in middle of the lot in front of the apartment. So this wasn't a dream. He didn't think it was possible but it wasn't.

Harribel walked into the apartment to see Y/n waiting at the dining table patiently, an array of food, plates and silverware decorating the wooden surface.

"I saw a strange man staring at me outside." She reported.

"Oh, him? That's Neru kun. He lives downstairs. He's harmless." Y/n said with a wave of his hand.

Harribel stared down at the food on his table, "What is that?"

"This?" Y/n said as he held up his bowl of rice, "This is food."

Harribel stared down at the content of the table curiously. So this is what humans and shinigami ate. She reached out and picked up the small metal sticks sitting in front of her.

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