chapter 2-the game

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Today was Saturday, which means (y/n) got the day off from work. He ate breakfast and got the mail. He wasn't expecting the game to arrive today, but he was relieved that he didn't get scammed, although he did use his ex-debit to pay for the game, so it wasn't worried
(Authors note
I forgot to mention this, but (y/n)'s ex cheated on him. That's why he doesn't feel bad for using Amy's card. Sorry about that anyways; back to the story)
(Y/n) got the game out of the package, put the trash in the trashcan, and walked into the living room. (y/n) turns the PS4 on and the TV on, he puts the DVD on the PS4 and starts the game. (y/n) was confused about starting the game because nothing was happening "did it crash?"(y/n) said to himself as he walked to his ps4; then, all of a sudden, the TV screen was white (y/n) was shocked. He didn't know what to do. Maybe both the PS4 and the TV are broken. He didn't know what to do, so he thought of turning off the TV and then turning the TV back on. He then walked to the TV, and suddenly, he passed out (y/n) and woke up. He looked around, and he realized he was in Stanley's office, but then he thought more, "I WAS IN THE GAME?!" he thought as his head hurt. "I should fine a way out of this game."

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