
Lisa was only a slightly better dancer than I was, but what she lacked in movement, she made up for with enthusiasm.

A variety of guests lined up underneath the gazebo as an upbeat Latina dance number played loudly on the record player.

"One, two, three, four! Stomp those grapes and stomp some more!" The Rockette that Tito had spoken about instructed us, stomping one high heeled foot against the floor.

She was gorgeous. All long legs, a slim body, and curly brown hair that flowed around her shoulders and down her back as she swayed enthusiastically to the music.

She was also lively as she told us what to do and gave examples as she moved to the music in a simple red dress that flared just above her knees and high strappy heels; shaking her arms and smiling at our sad attempts at following her lead. But, she looked like she was having fun, and even the people who were hesitant and unsure were swept into her enthusiasm in no time at all.

I almost felt bad that she had to waste her obvious talent on people like me, even though I was by far the worst while coincidentally being one the youngest.

I couldn't even let myself hear the music I was supposed to be dancing too because I was too focused on my footing, and hitting the right beats at the right time. It was hard to say the very least even though the dance instructor — who I learned was named Tatiana — made it look so easy.

"One, two, three, four!" She counted happily, shaking her hips. "Listen to the music!" She sang.

My head had been down since the song had started as I tried to count my steps along with the nonexistent beat that I couldn't hear for the life of me.

I ended up smashing my foot down on the older man's sandaled shoe next to me as we all stepped to the right.

"Sorry!" I quickly apologized.

"Whoo!" Tatiana skipped infront of us, shaking the train of her dress rhythmically as she hoped around.

She reminded me of a gazelle, and I was more like... a new born giraffe. All wobbly legs and zero sense of coordination as I learned how to walk for the first time.

I tried — I really tried — to follow what she was doing, but I wasn't made for this type of thing. In fact, judging by the man's face when I'd stepped on his foot, I was more of danger on the wooden panels of the gazebo.

"Come on, ladies!" Tatiana said enthusiastically, shimmying her chest. "God wouldn't have given you maracas if he didn't want you to shaaaake 'em!"

I heard my mothers tell-tale laughter from behind me as she and my father happily followed along.

"Alright, men! Follow me into a round Robin!" She said loudly, making the beginning of the line as the guys lined up behind her. "Ladies, inner circle!"

Lisa went behind me, placing her hands on my hips as everyone created a swirl around us. They jumped, swayed, and moved to the music as I held on for dear life to the person infront of me.

At one point she told us to partner up find the "man of our dreams" and I went straight for my father. Atleast he knew about my inability to dance, and he wouldn't mind if I stepped on his toes once or twice, but as soon as I went to snatch him away, Tatiana stole him from right out under me; leaving me to dance with the only other extra person I could find... A sweat old lady in a giant sun hat.


The sun was beginning to set as me and my family sat in our cabin.

It was a beautiful little home with a large deck that over looked the lake just down the hill, and I knew I'd be spending some time on the rocking chair reading during our stay.

Dirty Dancing: A Diana StoryWhere stories live. Discover now