"There is a covert infiltration point brim there" tech points at a tower "the stack has a lower access hatch inside of timed correctly we can rappel down between exhaust cycles"

"How big of a window is there?" Hunter asked .

"Sixty seconds"

"Glad you're all confident but getting cooked alive wasn't on my agenda" Bennie said about to leave.

i grabbed him "you can go ice we have our ship back"

We head to the tower I volunteer to do it for the team. I head before the steam came.

"All clear" I said. As the other head down to see the view of the mine.

"The conditions of this mine is less than ideal" tech said.

"It's because the ipsium become degraded mokko had the lower wages just to keep this up and running at least we're still working. Your ships in the upper garage bay across the central tower I know a short cut"

Hunter grabs his shoulder "no tricks"

"Hey I'm not trying to get caught either" he said taking us to our ship "I held up my end of the bargain so I'll be off"

"Hang on" tech said stopping benni. "The hyberdrive has been removed"

We glared at benni "you didn't ask me what condition it'd be in"

"We still need to shut down the ray sheild" i said.

"You can only do that from the central tower your boys stick out too much. If you don't trust me to go alone this older girl would blend in easily enough. Look at her she looks attractive for anyone" I cringed at bennies statements.

"don't worry he won't be out of our sight."

Tech walks up to us "transfer the data onto this and I can access the sheild remotely."

Once we got to the place we saw mako he was a creepy looking guy but we got what we needed before I noticed benni frowning.

"you okay?" I asked.

"No" benni said "I stole the ship and it still didn't make me the top earner"

"You shouldn't have to compete for food"

"That's how it works here we have to earn our share but I'll impress mokko just you wait" then we got to the place where a transferred some data "they really treat you like you're one of them. I wish mokko did that"

I sigh "doesn't seem like he care about any of you why don't you leave?"

He scoffs "you're wrong Nikki's kept us in business he said with more time and more digging we're bound to reach better ipsium soon. Besides I can't leave this is my home it's what I know"

"I get it" I said "our ship is our home it's the only one we really have"

"I'm sorry I stole it"

I pulled out my rations "have this"

"Why would you give this to me?"

"For helping us" I said continuing to get the ray sheild down when I noticed something " I thought you said the ray sheilds degraded"

"It is"

"Not according to this" i said as he looks at it.

Next thing happened the door opens to reveal mokko "my thief caught another theif."

I looked to benni before I got taken by a bunch of droids to the edge. Then I heard Bernie saying things about mokko lying. Then a droid was about to throw me but I avoided that as I saw hunter swing and I let go and reached for hunter and I grabbed hunter as he grabbed my hand and swung us to safty.

"You all right?" He asked grabbing my face.

"I'm fine hunter I'm fine" i said touching his shoulders"

He sighed in releif and pressed his forehead on mine.


Later the mess was over and we got the ship back. Bennie returns our stuff.

"Here's your stuff" he said.

"All of it" hunter asked.

"Yeah don't you trust me?" Bennie asked "okay that's fair but it's all there" he said as hunter grabs the stuff.

"So what will all of you do now?" I asked.

"I guess we'll keep mining ipsium it's what we know"

I smiled "you can be whatever you want it's a big galaxy you don't have to stay here."

"It's not so bad and with mokko gone we'll all be getting equal share of the profits now. Thanks for showing me the truth if you ever need a theif I owe you" he said walking away.

We headed back to the ship and heading back homes.

The leader and the Jedi (hunter X jedi OC)Where stories live. Discover now