☆ BkTheRula

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Amethyst was curled up in her bed, clutching her mario star plushie as she scrolled through pinterest on her phone. There was then a knock at her room door before it opened, Amethyst shooting her head up.

"Heyy Amyyy." Her younger brother, Steven, entered her room, dragging along their shared hair supply cart. "Steven.." She said as he plopped down on top of her. "You wanna do my haiiirr?" He dragged out annoyingly as he hugged her.

Amethyst groaned "You waited right till it was 10 o'clock at night bro." She groaned, prying his arms from around her body, making him roll off of her and beside her.

Steven sucked his teeth "Bruh I forgot to ask earlier." He said sheepishly, smiling as he ruffled his overgrown locs. "You don't even be doing shit when I be at school, bruh, c'mooon." He said as he got up.

"Okay? That don't mean I wanna stay up all night doing your stupid ass locs." She said, shrieking when he sent a hard slap to her leg. "Steven!"


Amethyst sighed as she parted the last row in Steven's head while he gleefully sat in the kitchen table chair on his phone, swinging his legs back and forth.

As she applied more wax to his parts, in the corner of her eye she saw he was getting a FaceTime call from one of his close friends, Brooklyn.

Brooklyn and Amethyst were around the same age and whenever the two were around one another, sexual tension was definitely present. "Wassup, Bk." Steven smiled, Amethyst smirking when seeing Brooklyn smile back at him.

She loved how close the two were, Brooklyn being like another older sister to him, making him raised by girls all his life. She saw Brooklyn moving her lips before Steven sucked his teeth.

"She can't hear you and chill out." Steven said shaking his head making Amethyst pop his head. "Be still, lil nigga." Amethyst said making him huff.

"If you finna be talking nasty bout my sister this whole call I'm finna block you." He said, Amethyst watching as Brooklyn erupted into laughter.

"Let me talk to her." Amethyst grinned as she retwisted the last loc on this row. Steven sighed before hesitantly unconnecting his airpods from his phone.

"Heyyy Brooklyaaannn." Amethyst dragged out exaggerated, Brooklyn cheesing on the other end. "Hey Amyyy let me come through." Brooklyn said, playing with one of her coils.

Amethyst chuckled "And do what?" Amethyst said, putting a clip on Steven's now retwisted root. "I can show you better than I can tell y- "Bk! I'm hangin up bruh." Steven huffed, Brooklyn laughing before being abruptly cut off by the younger boy ending their call.

"Your friends are crazy, wrap your hair up and go to bed." Amethyst moved Steven's head to the side to leave a fat kiss on his cheek making him groan.


Amethyst read the instructions on the box cake box, Steven mixing the confetti mix before whining. "Man why you ain't take momma mixer when she was tryna give it to you?" Steven complained while Brooklyn was making homemade frosting.

"You telling me this whole time we coulda had a powered mixer?" Brooklyn turned away from the counter to face Amethyst in disbelief. Amethyst rolled her eyes, about to speak before hearing the horn of a car beeping outside.

"Oh shit!" Steven said as he sat the bowl on the counter, hugging Amethyst and Brooklyn before rushing to the front door. It was a Friday night and after Brooklyn picked Steven up from school like usual, she decided to stay over.

But what he didn't tell the older girls was that he was going to Fazo's for the weekend. "Uht! Where are you going?" Amethyst followed him.

"I'm sleepin over Fazo's, remember?" Steven said as he picked up his overnight bag making Amethyst throw her hands up in confusion.

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