Chapter Two

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"Tia? Tia, wake up!" An accent called. Tia felt as if she was floating. She blinked her sleepy eyes open, but wasn't in Veronica's room anymore. The world around her was completely jet black, save for three figures. One had a long orange ponytail, one was fashionable, and one had the accent.

"W-Who are you?" Tia mumbled. She was scared. She wanted Veronica, despite not knowing her for long, Veronica made her feel safe. One of the figures sighed dramatically. One looked really distressed and the other looked like they'd been crying. Tia was scared and a bit confused.

"This is a dream Tia. You're gonna wake up soon. But we need you to go to bed early tonight. Eight o'clock at the absolute latest. Please, write it down or something." A new accent spoke. It was coming from the one with the orange ponytail. Tia was really confused now.

"W-What? What's happening? Where's Veronica?!" Tia whimpered. She didn't know what was happening. She wanted Veronica. She wanted Veronica to hold her and tell her that she was okay. She didn't know what was happening and she was really scared. And she really hated being scared, she really hated it.

"We don't have much time. Remember this and write it down! Go to bed at eight tonight!" The first accent spoke. The world around Tia began to shake as the apparitions faded one by one. One whispered "see you tonight" as Tia suddenly bolted awake with a loud gasp.


"You okay? You're being awfully quiet." Veronica spoke, putting down the hairbrush. Tia looked to the ground. She wasn't really sure if she was okay or not. It was hard to tell. That dream really confused her. She wasn't sure how to feel. Tia shrugged as Veronica got an idea.

"I think I know what'll cheer you up!" Veronica spoke with a wide grin. Tia got confused as she saw Veronica with a playful smirk across her face. Tia tilted her head slightly as Veronica lurched forward, holding her arms out, before starting to tickle Tia, who immediately started to laugh.

"S-Stop it, Ronnie!" Tia squealed. Veronica laughed as she tickled Tia. Veronica eventually did stop, and helped Tia up so she was sitting again. Tia giggled as the other girl grabbed the brush and ran the soft bristles though Tia's hair, being extra careful not to pull.

"I had a weird dream last night." Tia confessed. Veronica tilted her head, content to listen. Tia sighed softly. She wasn't exactly sure how to describe it. It was a weird dream. But she was tired. So going to bed early like the apparitions wanted her to wouldn't be hard.

"It was a weird dream." Tia continued. She didn't like silence, but also wasn't sure what to say when the silence presented itself. It was a bit confusing. If she didn't like silence, how was she so unsure about how to prevent it? It didn't make much sense to her.

"A weird dream?" Veronica spoke in a somewhat quiet tone. She kept her steady rhythm as she brushed Tia's hair. Tia nodded as subtly as she could so that she wouldn't mess up Veronica's pace. She didn't want to mess up, especially since Veronica offered to do this for her.

"It's a bit hard to explain." Tia spoke, knowing Veronica would ask what it was about. Veronica nodded wordlessly and ran the brush through Tia's long hair.  Tia allowed herself to relax. She didn't need to worry for right now. For now, she was safe, she was gonna be okay.

"It was a bit scary." Tia confessed, leaning closer to Veronica. The other girl smiled and scooped Tia up, setting her in her lap. She brushed Tia's hair out of her face and smiled softly, telling her there was nothing to be afraid of, and that she was safe.


"I don't like this, Tayce. I wanna go home! Why doesn't Tia remember us?!" Ellie sobbed. She hadn't stopped crying ever since she was taken. She wanted to stop, but she also wanted to go home. She wanted Tia to remember her. She wanted a lot of things right now, actually.

"I don't know, Ell. I really don't know." Tayce murmured quietly. She hugged her knees and laid her head in her lap. She didn't want to cry, she had to stay strong, for Ellie and Awhora. Even for Tia. She had to keep calm and she didn't want to cry.

"I'm sure Tia will remember us before long..." Awhora didn't sound very convinced. She sounded more like she was trying to convince herself, but it wasn't working. She didn't believe that either. Awhora could feel her claustrophobia beginning to kick in. She wanted to go home, out of this place.

"Maybe we should reintroduce ourselves to her the next time we communicate with her. That may help her remember us." Tayce suggested solemnly. She wasn't sure if that would work, but it was worth a try. But Ellie could just barely hear Tayce over the sound of her hysterical wailing.

"I want to go home!" Ellie screamed. Seemingly to no one in particular. Tayce put a hand on Ellie's knee to try and offer any sort of comfort that she could. She wasn't sure that it'd work very well, but it was an attempt. She wanted Ellie to stop crying.

"I know you do, Ell Bell. All of us do." Tayce spoke, her voice beginning to crack. She tried to keep herself from crying. She didn't want to cry. She had to stay strong for Ellie and Awhora and Tia, even though Tia wasn't with them. Tayce hoped Tia was safe.

"Tia will help us, I know she will." Tayce spoke through her teeth. She tried to keep calm. She didn't want to cry, she didn't want to seem weak, but it was getting harder to keep herself calm.

Eventually, she couldn't take much more, and started to break down.

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