Chapter 5 - Golden Dolphin Heist

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"Once the Bad Guy and Joker are arrested, it will be smooth sailing for all of us." Kendall only giggled before she walks around. The Bad Guys and Teresa walked inside before they started going in different directions. Webs taps on her earpiece and says, "Mic's on. Everyone on comms, do you copy?" They all say "Copy" as they take their places. Webs climbed on a worker's back as he went to the surveillance room, Piranha goes into the sewer system, Wolf going upstairs for the keycard, Snake sneaking into the vents, Shark and Teresa going to the dining room and sat at one empty table. Webs tied up the worker and took control of the cameras, saying, "Lady and gentlemen, it's Dolphin Season."

In the men's bathroom, Piranha knocked out one of the waiters and wore his uniform before saying, "Copy that. I'm on the move." Meanwhile, Luggins marched across the upper floor before speaking through her walkie talkie, "Unit two, is the backstage area still secure?" "Unit two. All clear." The officer from the other side spoke, which pleased Luggins and says to Kendall, "This is where all the training pays off." Kendall giggled until Wolf 'accidentally' bumps into them before saying, "Oh, pardon me. Terribly sorry."

Luggins held her hand and says, "Not a problem, sir." Kendall waved bye to Wolf, but Wolf went the other way, managed to get the keycard and shows it to the camera. Webs saw and says, "Wolf is in position. Piranha, you all penguin-suited and booted?" From a line of waiters, Piranha gets in the line and speaks through the comms, "Affirmative. I'm a clean, mean, Dolphin-stealing machine." Once out of the hallway, Piranha swiftly goes to the open, much to Wolf's view. He pickpockets his way through before he sees Piranha going in a storage room.

Wolf was making his way downstairs to meet up with Piranha, until he spots an elder woman walking downstairs, purse full of money. Wolf smirks and makes his way towards the elder woman and snuck his finger through the straps, but before he could steal it, the old woman slipped and almost fell down. Wolf's fingers caught the strap as he yelped before he sighs and helps the elderly woman up, saying, "Here, let me help you. Are you okay, ma'am?" The old woman gasps from that and answers, "Oh, my gracious, yes. I may be dizzy, but I'm alive, thanks to you." She hugs Wolf, who froze from the hug before she grabs his hands and pats it before saying, "Thank you, dear. You're such a good boy."

Wolf froze from that last part as the old woman smiled and walks down the stairs. Wolf had a blush on his face until his tail starts wagging, causing him to gasp and grabs it from wagging more. He then meets up with Piranha, who was chopping up some vegetables. Wolf's fur began to stick out as he gives a small smile on his face before Piranha asks, "All good, brother?" Wolf stutters, "Yeah, all... a-all good. Yeah, yeah. Um..." He shakes his head from the trance and spoke to Webs, "Webs, what do you say about moving on to step four?" Webs nods and says, "Copy that."

She turns to one of the monitors with Teresa and Shark shown before saying to the two, "Terry, Shark, you're up. Do your thing." Teresa replied, "Copy that." Shark gasps and asks, "Do we get to improvise?" "Yes, fine. Improvise. But please be subtle." Wolf said while getting in the cart.

Shark nods before he held out a glass of wine. He pours the wine out, and grabs a table before throwing it, sat and yells, "I'm having a baby!" Everyone gasped as they got up before Teresa calls out, "Is there a doctor? Or perhaps several security guards that could leave their post and help her?" Two guards heard and rushed over, leaving their post. Piranha and Wolf got to the door as Wolf used the keycard to get in. They entered to see the elite special opts guarding the second door as Wolf and Piranha nod to each other. The cart was pushed forward to the two guards as one grabs a note on the cart.

"Fish Surprise?" One guard read as the other uncovers the plate, revealing Piranha on the plate as he says, "Surprise!" He leaps and beats up the guards, putting them on the cart as Wolf kicked it away, going to the retinal scanner. He pulls out the photo and zooms to Diane'a blurred eye and sends it to Webs, saying, "Hey, Webs, can you enhance this..." The photo was enhanced before Webs spoke, "Done. Eight steps ahead of you, Wolfie." He used the enhanced photo on the retinal scanner, which allowed them access into the backstage where the Golden Dolphin is. The announcer spoke on the other side, "Ladies and gentlemen, your emcee for the Good Samaritan Awards..." Shark was breathing heavily until Teresa goes to his level and whispers, "All right, Shark, we're in." She walks away as Shark quickly gets up and says, "Oops, I forgot, I'm not pregnant."

My Joker ~ The Bad Guys {Mr. Piranha x Vigilante Au Oc TeresaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ