"Everyone got it?" Trent asked. "Owen? Izzy? You guys wanna go first? Izzy, what's something Owen does in his sleep that makes you want to take the guest room?"

"Easy," Izzy gloated. "Izzy says Owen is a loud snorer."

Owen flipped his board around. He had the same answer as Izzy. They exclaimed and hugged each other. I felt my leg shaking; I wasn't confident.

"Trent, you and Gwen go," said Cody. "I wanna save the best for last."

"Oh, really?" Gwen teased. "The big thing Trent does in his sleep is he's a kicker."

"Oh," Trent kept his voice low. "I said I stole all the blankets."

"Well, that's true, too," Gwen chuckled. "Cody and Noah, humour us."

I turned my board around. I smiled with pride until I looked over to Cody. He sighed and rolled his eyes. If Cody didn't think I was a screamer, I didn't know what he wrote.

"In your sleep, Noah?" Cody exclaimed. "You don't orgasm in your sleep! Fucking hell, I wrote 'Doesn't know when to stop passing gas.' Take that, sucker."

"In my sleep, Cody?" I droned.

Owen burst out laughing. Yeah, I bet that was real funny to him. I had no idea what the hell Cody was talking about. If it was something I did in my sleep, I must've had no clue I was doing it.

"If you guys think Owen's bad, try sharing a bed with this one," Cody droned, pointing at me. "It's only when he's asleep. This may sound familiar to some, but that shit can peel the varnish off a locker."

I had to admit, Cody using one of my own comments against me was kind of funny. Of course, Owen found it funny. So far, he and Izzy had a point. You know, since Cody decided to stoop that low. Izzy pulled a card from the top of the deck, reading it and snickering.

"Since Trent, Owen, and Noah went," she said, "Gwen, Cody, and I can answer this one. What's a habit you wish your partner could kick in the bedroom?"

I laughed uproariously. This was going to be easy. The big habit I wished Cody could kick was being indecisive about topping. I'd usually give him a few minutes, offer to be the bottom, and he'd want me to top instead.

"Gwen?" Izzy asked.

"I wrote down 'nearly breaking my back'," Gwen laughed. "Not metaphorically."

Trent turned his whiteboard around. He had written down the same answer, word for word. So far, Cody and I had zero points. We had to get one point, man.


"Easy money," Cody sounded proud. "My indecisiveness on who tops. I think Noah called me out on it a few days ago."

"Booyah!" I exclaimed, turning my board around.

Finally, we were on the board. I pulled Cody in for a hug, kissing him hard as well. I was curious to see if Owen and Izzy matched up. They had a strong start, so it would be strange for them to fall so soon.

"I wrote down 'kicking me in the kiwis'," Owen turned his whiteboard around.

Izzy let out a soft sigh. I assumed they didn't match up this time. That was what I thought until she squealed and flipped her board around. Well, one point for each of us. I took the top card this time. It was a fill in the blank.

"For this one, we have to each guess our partner's answer," I said. "It's the same question. However, if I were to write down how Cody would answer, he's have to write down how I would answer."

Everyone nodded. I read the question in my head again. I vaguely remember how Cody and I answered a similar question. I bit my tongue before reading the card aloud.

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