Chapter 2

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Serena always dreamed of competing with Isaac Sumdac with having a company rival, she wanted to do that now that she was actually in the universe and in a timeline before he started his company. She remember the Angelyne movie on peacock and how she had gotten her billboard fan and wanted to do the same thing as a start up, Serena was curious in seeing other parts of the country since the series mainly showed Detroit. If she was going to be the new Angelyne she needed to go where Angelyne first started and that was in Hollywood, Serena was good actor and after parting ways with the young Iaac she flirted her way with a rich guy that was at a nearby town and got a plane ticket to Hollywood from him. Along with pick pocketing him as well before she left on her flight, with the money she stole she had to set her plan into act which to her surprised was pretty damn easy. With her looks she talked her way into anything with practically ant guy that saw her, she set up a photo shoot pro folio before going to the guy that did all the billboards in Hollywood....Long story short most of it happened just like Serene saw on Peacock except the guys name was Howard Graves, it took Serena four months to gain the same large fame as the real Angelyne threw out California and her next plan was the world before the Optimus's team shows up with Serena's unique eyes it had gotten her a lot of fame in modeling pretty fast. By thee end of her first year people in thee united states knew her face and the name she went by and knew her as Angelyne, Serena had made millions and not only paid back Howard for the billboards but she also started up her company that would be Iaac's future rival she had set up her tech company in New York rather than California since New York was closer.

50 years later.......

To Serena's surprise she hadn't age a day and still looked the same as when she first entered the universe, people noticed and wanted to know her secrete on how she stayed so young despite her age. She had reached her goal in not only being super wealthy and famous she was also Isaac Sumdac's official business rival , she had not only created Star enterprises which out shined Sumdac systems with robotics but also with other things as well. Remember an anime movie her friends watch called Belle and the universe of U she recreated that media into her Star Games company along with having her own car manufacturing company which she named Star motors, the best part was that no one knew the identity of the founder of all the star companies and Serena wanted to keep it that way in wanted it to be a mystery which a lot of people liked and to piss off the rivals even more.

Her double life as Angelyne her face was everywhere from doing her own makeup up and skin care ads on TV and magazines, she was even named sexiest women on the year for twenty years straight and was making billions. She lived in New York in a super luxurious hotel for top celebrities, though she was basically the queen of New York and people knew it.

New York was her city and changed it, it still looked like the 22nd century but she still wanted to compete with Detroit. She really help with down sizing with the air and noise pollution in the city and seeing all idea with future food from her universe she took it into action during thirty years which succeeded with her Star Labs, not only with future food but bettering New York the way she always wanted too now that she had the power and money. She helped with noise pollution by using moss concrete, Serene like thee idea she saw in her world about what benefits could help with the future and wanted to use those methods. Thus thee idea of moss concrete, she greened up New York City and helping the local humanity at the same time, Serena not only helped New York but also other neighboring cities including down south to L.A. California.

Serena also enjoyed breaking a lot of hearts from guys that confessed there love to her the most, her only love was Ice Nine Kills. Her phone was her greatest procession because of all the music and videos on her phone, when people questioned about the tattoo on her leg she didn't really give a full answer. Whenever she felt home sick she would play Ice Nine Kills, listening to them with her airpods. Serena didn't like the music in the universe she was in and thought the humans there had bad taste, compared to the music from her universe. She didn't have just Ice Nine Kills she had different bands, from Linkin Park , Panic at the Disco, My Chemical Romance to even All Time Low and other bands with very popular songs.

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