chapter 7: crush

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Duke leaned against the wall of school building, staring at an attractive young girl reading on the stairs.

Dick leaned in close behind him, scaring the infatuated young man. "Who you staring at?"


Duke held his arms close, blushing. "I'm not staring"

Dick placed his hands in his pockets. "You like her, just ask her out"

"I'm not- that isn't- I mean, HYPOTHETICALLY, if I wanted to do that, how would I...?" He asked awkwardly.

Dick smiled and wrapped his arm around his shoulder. " just ask her out for coffee or to see a movie or something. Worst thing she can say is no. Its really not that bad"

"Yes it is!" Duke stated terrified.

The two walked to Dick's car as he gave advice. "Tru and work in a pun. Ladies love puns"

Duke lowed his head and sulked. "Jason's right. You do give the worst advice"


His crush waved at him and smiled. "Hey Duke!"

"...hi..." he whispered before putting his hands ro his head in embarrassment.


The two should to be lovebirds were partnered in science class. Duke was holding onto a blue beaker and Ana was writing down notes.

"Ana? Um, I've been wondering..." Duke asked not paying attention to the chemicals he was holding.

"Yes?" She responded, not looking up from her book.

"I, um, I've been thinking about it and-" he started to pour the blue liquid into the beaker on the counter containing a green liquid.

"Don't do that" She stated worriedly.

"Oh" Duke looked down disappointedly, thinking she was rejected him.

"No, I mean don't do THAT!" In actuality, the blue liquid caused a chemical reaction with the green liquid, turning it into purple and it started bubbling.


BOOM! It exploded in their faces.


"Hey!" Duke turned around to see Ana standing behind him.

"I tried catching you after class, but you practically sprinted out of there. I wanted to give you something" She sat next to him and handed Duke a small piece of paper.

"What is this?"

"It's my number. In case you ever wanted to study together. Or... to see a movie or something, that'd be cool too"

She stood up awkwardly, thinking he might reject her. "Or not, I guess. Don't worry about it"

"Wait! I'd love to see a movie with you" Duke stood up and smiled. "Or study. Whatever you want"

"Then I guess it's a date!" She smiled and waved goodbye to him.

Duke looked at the paper one more time and cheered. "YES!"


Down in the batcave, Duke was smiling like a dork at his phone. Stephanie noticed this and leaned in closely ro take a peek. "Who are you texting? You've been smiling like a dork this whole time"

Duke turned his head and smiled awkwardly. "No one. It's nothing"

Stephanie snatched the phone out of his hands and immediately started to look at the chats. "Oh my God! Do you have a girlfriend? How long have you guys been dating? From these texts, I'm guessing the last couple of weeks!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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