damn, how did he know?

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It was deep into the night. The corridors of the office had long been deserted: the occasional guard wandered in and the guilty ones sat in custody below. There were quiet footsteps. The corridor was hurried quietly and carefully by Jaelyn. She had managed to fool the guards at the entrance and got hold of the key to Ilgaz's office. Now all that remained was to avoid being seen by other law enforcers who might be wandering the corridors.

What is Jaelyn doing here at this late hour? She has no easy task: to get into the office of prosecutor Ilgaz and find out the details of the case in which Tolga lawyer, and of course she is helping him. Why can't Jaelyn ask Ilgaz for details? He has given the case "secret" status, meaning that no one will know about unnecessary details. On top of that, Ilgaz is still wary of sharing any details with Jaelyn after the Parla case. That's not to say that his trust in her has not returned, but it has been quite fragile.

Was Jaelyn afraid that she would undermine Ilgaz's trust again? She walked to his office, contemplating her actions, remembering how her last deception had ended - they were almost divorced. Still, Jaelyn opens the door to Ilgaz's office without any hesitation. She manages to sneak in unnoticed inside the as well. Which is true, there are a surprise for her.

Rolling up against the desk, Ilgaz stood in the office, waiting for her. His reflection was illuminated by the streetlights. It was enough for Jaelyn to recognise her lover, whom she was now trying to wrap her head around, but it turned out to be the exact opposite. "Damn, how did he know?!" - was the first thought that flashed through Jaelynn's mind. She seemed to have completely forgotten that Ilgaz was calculating everyone's moves ahead of time, and especially hers.

- Ilgaz, whatever you're thinking now, it's not true. Let me explain.
Meanwhile, the prosecutor walks silently towards her, leaving a minimal distance between them. They looked into each other's eyes, which were barely visible. Ilgaz was breathing heavily. He felt a growing desire to possess Jaelyn right there in that office. Was this the first time he'd done this? Of course not. It was a desire he'd had every time the two of them had been in here together, or Jaelyn had contradicted him. What if Ilgaz's long-standing wish came true today?
- Oh, Jaelyn. You're breaking the rules again.
- Ilgaz, I...
- Shh, be quiet.

Ilgaz doesn't allow himself to be excused by Jaelyn. He puts its index finger to her lips, pressing it slightly against them, and with his forehead he touches hers. Meanwhile his hand runs down Jaelyn's blouse and reaches her leather skirt. She still hadn't changed after work, unlike Ilgaz, who was now in a tracksuit. He slowly lifts up Jaelyn's skirt and she realises that she is going to pay for her lies right now. But Ilgaz takes his time. He remembers that there is one unfinished "case". So the prosecutor gently takes Jaelyn's hand and takes the key to the office from her, then locks the door. Now there's no one there to disturb them. Ilgaz takes a sharp and rather passionate peck on the lips. Jaelyn responds in the same way. When they reach the table, Ilgaz pushes the unnecessary things off the table and sits Jaelyn down on it. Meeting of eyes, after which the prosecutor leaves a light kiss on her collarbone and then moves lower, covering every millimetre of his beloved wife's skin with kisses. He gets rid of the rest of the clothes on himself and on Jaelynn. A demanding kiss on the lips and finally, pulling the girl's hips slightly towards him, the man is inside her. A new wave of pleasure swept over him at once, and it seemed impossible not to lose one's senses.
He only lingered for a moment, giving her time to get used to it a little, and then he began to move, speeding up and slowing down. More listened not to himself and his body, but to what Jaelynn wanted. Trying to stretch their shared pleasure, and including giving her as much pleasure as possible. Ilgaz saw her wriggling more and more beneath him with each movement. Moaning was strictly forbidden - someone might just hear them. The prosecutor didn't want to risk his and Jaelynn's reputations, so he covered her mouth with a kiss. There was a catastrophic shortage of air and all that was left was to breathe into each other. Still, Ilgaz had to let go of Jaelyn's lips. She herself was well aware that it was better not to make unnecessary noises, no matter how hard it was. Ilgaz kissed her gently and passionately, making his way down her neck, not neglecting her breasts and tummy. He wanted every cell of her body to be imbued with him and Jaelynn remembered every touch of his forever. Even though she already knew she was only his. Jaelyn was so desperate to find her so-called salvation in him that it just clouded Ilgaz's sanity.  The man runs his hands up her slender legs and stops them at her waist as he continues his movements.
There was probably no better sight than watching Jaelyn react to all his touches. Ilgaz ran his hands down her back, their bodies continuing to intertwine, merging into one, thereby further heightening the sensation between them. A few more thrusts and the long-awaited discharge sets in. Ilgaz winces as pleasure spreads through his whole body and, breathing heavily, pulls the girl against him, sinking into her hair and leaving a light kiss on her neck. Jaelyn runs her fingers through his hair. They were in no hurry to say anything, for they both needed only a little time to come to their senses.
After a while, Ilgaz helps Jaelyn up from the table and they begin to dress in absolute silence. He managed faster, so he began to tidy up the table. Meanwhile, Jaelyn got dressed and worked up the courage to finish what she had come here to do.
- Ilgaz, where is the case Tolga is on? I'll take one look.
- You all set? Come out.
Ilgaz was not verbose, but rather quite stern. This made Jaelyn uneasy and so she decided to listen to Ilgaz and so opened the door. They left the office together. Without any problem they passed through the security guards, saying goodbye to them. Ilgaz seemed to find and explain the reason for his late visit and put in a good word for Jaelyn. The couple walked out of the courthouse and got into the car. They drove home.

The road was spent in complete silence. It was only when they got into the house up that Jaelyn was the first to break the strange silence between them.
- Ilgaz, I really didn't want to deceive you. Tolga really needs to win this case. I want to help him.
Ilgaz walks over to Jaelyn and puts his arms around her, kissing her gently on the neck. There is almost nothing left of the passion that was between them an hour ago. Only tenderness and touch.
- It's okay, I'm almost not mad at you. I'm glad I stopped you in time.
Jaelin looks away from Ilgaz in frustration. She knows she's not going to let this go, and she's going to get her way. Ilgaz seemed to understand that.
- Good. I'm very tired. Let's go to bed.
They took turns showering and went to bed. Ilgaz woke up before Jaelyn and made them breakfast. The two of them ate. There was not a word about last night, but it was in their minds and they were sure it would stay for a long time.
They got together and Ilgaz took Jaelyn to she office and went to court himself. She did not have a hearing in the morning, so she worked from the office. At lunchtime, Jaelyn's client was called in for questioning. So she had to come to court. The place now evokes very different emotions for her. At the entrance to the court she was stopped by Eren.
- Jaelyn, I have been ordered to take you into custody for violating the prosecutor's professional boundaries.
- Eren?! - Jaelyn didn't let the commissioner finish and was already burning with anger. - Whose and when I broke boundaries?
- Queen, don't do this. You know exactly what you're talking about. Prosecutor Daria will handle this case. She won't be in court until tonight. In the meantime, you'll have to wait downstairs.

Jaelyn was shocked and indignant at this action by Ilgaz. It seemed to her that they had ended all questions. Eren himself was not thrilled with what was happening. He was not fully aware of the whole situation, but he had no choice but to carry out orders. Jaelyn called Tolga and asked her to fill in for the interrogation. She disgruntledly went downstairs. She was locked up in the isolation ward.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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