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Crammed in the front seat with Danny and the tow truck driver named Steve, Linda shimmied a little in her seat. "Heat!" She laughed, putting her hands up to the heat vents.

Steve grinned, his thick Minnesota accent standing out. "I'm glad I got to you two on time. You looked like you were about to be human popsicles!"

"That'd be an accurate assessment!" Linda almost yelled. The heat it the tow truck was loud... maybe too loud.

"Thanks for coming," Danny thanked him again.

"No problem. Say, you don't mind if we listen to some music, do you?" Steve grinned when the couple shook their heads. He turned on the radio and switched it to the cd.

Linda grinned when the familiar notes started playing.

On the twenty third day of the month of September, in an early year of a decade not too long before our own....

She leaned forward in her seat to get a better look at Steve. "Have you seen this live, Steve?"

"I saw the movie in theaters. The kids love it."

"I can't wait to show our kids that movie."

"Got any kids?"

"Not yet. I'm still in college, so we're going to wait... about what, babe? A year you think?"

"Ultimate;y it's up to you, isn't it?" Danny looked to her, "You gotta go through all that shit."


Linda set her suitcase down on the floor of the air b&b. She peeled off her scarf as she took it in; it reminded her of her sister's beach house. Big and open and not enough things to make it truly homey.

Danny's voice broke her thoughts, "do you think these people would mind if we—"

"Oh my gosh, do not finish that sentence or I will slug you."

He laughed at her dramatics then grabbed her suitcase. He put them on the bed, "I could really go for a sandwich or something right now."

"You know, I'm hungry too. But more than that, I'm still pretty cold. How about that bath?"

Danny smiled as he dropped one of his sweaters, something Linda, Erin, and Brie insisted that made any man hotter.

"It's a scientific fact!" Linda exclaimed, cheeks rosy from the alcohol she was drinking.

"She's absolutely right," Brie agreed while Erin nodded vigorously. "Sweaters make men ten times hotter."

"That sounds excellent," he wrapped his arms around her and gave her a kiss.


"This is nice," Linda commented as she leaned against Danny in the warm water.

"Being naked together?"

She rolled her eyes, "look, I know that this trip is for relaxing and being able to have sex without our roommate messing it up, but just hold your horses, alright? I just like being with you. We haven't seen a lot of each other this week."

He kissed her shoulder, and for the most part, she ignored him.

"It's nice to get away from it all. Away from the city and our jobs. And the family.... Pressures are all gone."


"Shut up!" She laughed and turned around. She splashed the warm water in his face, holding back her laughter.

"You fight dirty," he said, wiping the water from his face. She only smirked and raised an eyebrow.

But before he could retaliate by splashing water or throwing the washcloth at her, her stomach grumbles loudly, making them both laugh.

Snow Bound & Hunkered DownOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant