(\/) The Big Debut (\/)

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You woke up and quickly got dressed, surprisingly you weren't in a tired and or annoyed mood like you usually were in the morning. More or less happy.

"Let's go you four!" You exclaimed

Typhlosion got up and so did Houndoom, Talonflame landed on your shoulder whilst Volarona flew out the door.

The Houndoominite shone in the light.

Wyndon stadium was not far away from your apartment so you walked there with ease, Typhlosion and Houndoom raced each other to the entrance.

Since you were a "guest" you were allowed in the stadium early, people had to wait outside and or in a little lobby.

"Leon!" You said

"Y/n!" Leon greeted

Dragapult roared happily and went up to greet Typhlosion as Aegislash greeted Talonflame who landed on the hilt, Charizard flapped his wings to say "hello" to Houndoom and Leon waved to Volcarona who hovered beside you.

"You're becoming a gym leader! For Motostoke!" Leon pointed out

"Exciting! My Pokémon are stoked for it too! And besides, we get to hang out way more often now too!" You smiled

"Yeah!" Leon agreed

"Should probably get to my seat before Typhlosion begins to complain about timing, good luck with Lance!" You said

"See you!" Leon responded

Volcarona flew out and towards the lobby area so Talonflame hopped off of Aegislash to follow, Houndoom and Typhlosion ran to catch up to you.

Once you got back you saw two kids along with a Scorbunny and Pikachu, the two were staring at the hero statue.

Volcarona looked up and noticed the match was going to start pretty soon so she used Heat Wave to get your attention.

You felt like you were melting.

"D- did you need to use that?..." you asked

"Typhlo..." Typhlosion whined

"Houndoom." Houndoom stated

"Flame!" Talonflame exclaimed

Volcarona stopped using the move so once you regained your will to run you began to do it whilst Talonflame and Volcarona flew.

Once in the stadium you took your seat at the front, the boys and their Pokémon you had seen earlier weren't much higher than you.

Houndoom stood on his hind legs to see the match, Typhlosion stood too whilst Volcarona took a seat on a chair next to you and Talonflame perched on the protective barriers.

Just then, Dan and his Aegislash flew into the stadium. Both him and his Aegislash were quite good at their job.

He announced Lance's arrival and Typhlosion got quite excited, he enjoyed watching Lance battle against trainers.

Everyone clapped for Lance so you supposed you'd do so too.

Dan then announced Leon's arrival and introduced him to the crowd, everyone began shouting and clapping for Leon once he stepped onto the battle field.

He was Galar's pride and joy.

The battle quickly began after Lance had spoke a few words to Leon, you noticed a few other Gym Leaders in the crowd.

Nessa and one of the professors in training, Sonia, was only a few rows higher than you.

Melony, Gordie and Piers sat on the other end up the stadium whilst Raihan was in the very corner next to a wall with his Goodra.

Opal, Bea and Allister were on the highest row on the other side with Piers, Melony and Gordie.

Milo and Piers were in the other corner near you, you couldn't spot much else.

Whilst the battle was going on you could see Kabu, Centiskorch, Arcanine and his Ninetales excusing themselves out meaning you'd need to go pretty soon.

"Come on you four!" You exclaimed

You got up and so did your own Pokémon to follow you out, you quickly caught up to Kabu.

"You ready for your Debut?" Kabu asked

"Yup! You ready for retirement?" You countered

"Never have been more ready, Motostoke sure is a hassle since there are trainers challenging me because of my fire types left and right." Kabu sighed

Volcarona and Arcanine exchanged looks to each other whilst Houndoom and Centiskorch walke beside each other to where you and Kabu would be entering.

"Trust me, since you're good friends with Leon everything will go smoothly. Since young kids are watching I suggest you go for a more inspiring view." Kabu informed

You pulled up your hat so you could see better before staring at the Gigantamax Pokémon in the arena, Gigantamax already?

(\/) Time Skip To When The Battle Finished (\/)

The battle ended so Lance began giving some sort of speech about strong trainers and how Leon was a wonderful trainer due to how well he trained along with the visit he gave Raihan.

Kabu inhaled and exhaled before entering the arena with his Centiskorch, Arcanine and Ninetales, Volcarona flew in after him so Houndoom ran.

You waved to the crowd so Talonflame cawed at you in confusion

"I'd get used to this Talonflame." You stated

Charizard ran to you happily so that he could engulf you in a hug using his wings, Kabu began to say goodbye to the crowd which took a solid five minutes since everyone wanted to hear more from it.

"Since I'll be retiring, My successor will be taking over the Motostoke gym. Alongside their Pokémon." Kabu informed

"Y/n L/n! Alongside Houndoom, Volcarona, Talonflame and Typhlosion!" You exclaimed

(\/) Time Skip (\/)

It had went pretty well surprisingly, Galar seemed to love you and your Pokémon. Kabu was quite happy with the results knowing he could retire easily without much worries.

You were back at home with your four Pokémon that were resting, all were mentally exhausted which was good yet bad at the same time.

After the little debut Leon had invited you for an outing the next day, he didn't seem to have anything he needed to do the next day.

He planned to go eat somewhere with Dragapult and you planned to take Talonflame with you since you haven't down much with him lately.

Since all your Pokémon were near or on top of the couch you decided to go to sleep too in your bed, you didn't want to disturb them by walking over and laying down beside them.

You got into more comfortable clothes and laid down in your bed, it was a little cold tonight for some odd reason.

Falling asleep was easy to say the least, you didn't hear any noises coming from your Pokémon nor did you feel energetic.

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