Chapter 32: Story Time

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I startle awake gasping for breath, my heart is pounding and it feels I have pins and needles all over my body stabbing my skin until it's unbearable.

"Ahhh!" I cry out in pain.

I'm trembling from the pain and clenching my eye's closed, I'm in pure agony.

I feel hands on me but I can't do anything but thrash in pain.

"I..I can't....." I'm sobbing uncontrollably not able to take it any longer.

"Lyric!!! Lyric!!!".

I hear someone yelling my name and I want to answer but my throat feels like sandpaper.

I start to get dizzy and I feel like I'm falling down a black hole of torture then everything goes black.


The first thing I realize is I'm not in pain anymore, I feel like I'm floating in water.

I open my eye's and slowly sit up looking around, I'm laying in a Forest that looks like it came out of a fairytale.

I've never seen something so beautiful before.

I hear a twig break and look over to see a silhouette standing next to a tree looking right at me, I quickly stand up taking a step back.

"Who are you?" I whisper " where am I ?".

"It's ok, please don't be scared" a feminine voice responds " I'll explain everything to you but I can't reveal myself until you know everything."

"Okay... I'm listening" I breathe out

"Nineteen years ago a young woman found out she was pregnant after her mate's were killed in a surprise attack that almost cost her everything... She thought that life was over and was so depressed and lost after her mate's were killed but then she discovered she was carrying the last bit of her love's inside her and was beyond the moon. She knew that it was a risk to keep the baby but she didn't care she was willing to take that chance for her little one because she loved it more then life even unborn.... She made sure everything was prepared and ready if thing's turned out bad but hoped they wouldn't. Nine months later she birthed a beautiful baby girl with auburn hair and blue eye's, she was so happy to finally hold her baby and see the life she created inside her.
Then the bleeding didn't stop... They tried everything to save her but she was so weak from the loss of her mate's that it was almost impossible to save her but she knew that she likely wouldn't survive so when she passed an hour after the birth there was a plan already in place. she had a bestfriend that was not able to have children of her own and was willing to raise the baby with her husband and give the baby a good life.. A normal human life that would keep the baby safe from all supernatural creatures that would try to harm her until she was old enough to protect herself and eventually find her mate's.
But thing's didn't go exactly that way did they?".

I realize I've been softly crying and hugging myself while she talked.

I shake my head in denial because I know she's about to bring my entire life down in shambles.

"I'm so sorry you were lied to your entire life and that you not only lost your real parents but also your mom who raised you into the amazing strong woman you are today, I wish thing's turned out differently and that you had the life you deserved without heartbreak and full of all the love from the people who completely adore you but it was all to keep you safe and away from the danger that follows those born for greater thing's".

I quietly sob into my hands not understanding how everything I thought I knew was false, my whole life was just a lie to protect me and keep me hidden in plain sight.

"I know this is a lot and you're learning thing's that nobody should ever have to hear. I'm so sorry Lyric".
She murmurs with so much sadness in her voice.  

"Who are you?, how do you know all this?" I question through tears.

She steps closer into the light and I gasp at the resemblance between us. Long auburn hair, blue eye's, high cheekbones, and naturally blushing cheeks.

"My name is Astrid, I'm your aunt" she answers with a smile " your mother's little sister.

I stare in wonder at her and something warms in my chest like relief to know I have family still out there and I'm not by myself anymore.

Besides by mate's..... My mate's they are probably worried about me I think with a frown.

" why didn't you raise me?" I ask softly

"I was still so young back then and hadn't found my mate's, your uncle's" she said with guilt.

I nodded in understanding.

"You never answered my question of where we are" I remind her.

"Oh sorry. We are in a dreamscape that I created to talk to you and finally reveal myself to you. Although you should know me and my mate's have watched over you all your life and have been to every important thing throughout it. We blended into the background so you couldn't see us but we were always there supporting you and watching you flourish" she smiled so big and looked proud of me as she spoke.

Tears dropped down my face as I smiled back feeling the love and pride in her voice.

She walked closer to me until she was only a foot away.

"Can I hug you? It's ok if your not read..." She begins but I cut her off as I throw myself in her arm's.

She squeezes me to her and we just hold each other for a long time before she steps back but still holds my hands between us.

"I need to get back to my mates and explain everything and assure them I'm not hurt" I tell her softly

She grimaces " yeah sorry about the pain I had to undo several blockers in your head to reach you, We're on the other side of town so if it's ok with you we'd like to visit soon and meet your mate's and you can meet your uncle's?".

"Yeah of course I'd love that" I assure her and hug her one last time.

"Ok I love you, and again I'm sorry about the pain" she whispers with a kiss to my temple and before I can respond it goes black again.

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