Episode 2: The History of the Dragon

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"It's time. Now that you all have made it to this point in your training to become Xiaolin Dragons, it is time for you to learn the true history of Xiaolin and Heylin." Guan states, earning the attention of the four students. Dojo, who has been hugging a handmade teddy bear in the corner, comes over to Guan and coils in his lap. Seeing Dojo looking so depressed, the four understand that what they're about to hear is not to be taken lightly. And so they focus all their attention on Guan yet again. Guan takes a deep breath before he begins.

"Long ago, when the universe was still new, there was a dragon who soared through space before deciding to make itself a home. The dragon then created the Earth to call home and to keep it company, it created life. As the eons passed, it made more of its own to create other worlds like this one, but it knew that its time would eventually come. When it did, it dispersed its power over time and space, making sure that its power would find the ones, regardless of when they would come into existence, who were right to have its power. Once its power was gone, the Dragon of Creation passed away. The first of its chosen ones to be brought into this world were the Dragons of Good and Evil, also known as-"

"The Dragons of Xiaolin and Heylin." Omi finished the sentence, causing everyone to burst into laughter at his self-pride.

"That's right, Omi. And those Dragons were Grand Master Dashi and the Dark Witch Wuya." Guan continued before getting interrupted again. This time by Raimundo. "Wait! You mean to tell me that Wuya is a Dragon!?"

"*Sigh* Yes, Raimundo. She is the Dragon of Heylin. Now, can I continue without any further interruptions?" Guan asks, giving pointed looks at Omi and Raimundo before continuing again.

"As you all are aware, the two of them were constantly fighting one another in battles of good vs. evil. So often, that Grand Master Dashi created the Shen Gong Wu to combat Wuya's magical abilities. Of course, we all know Wuya. She couldn't have that, so she and Grand Master Dashi fought over them, causing them to have the first-ever Xiaolin Showdown. Years of battles between the two raged until a day came that changed Master Dashi's life completely."

With the four students listening intently, Guan continued. "Grand Master Dashi had come across a village that was destroyed by Wuya's wrath. He searched for survivors but came out empty-handed. Just as he was about to give up, he heard the sound of a baby crying. He followed the sound to a destroyed cottage. After moving the rubble out of the way, he found a newborn baby girl. After searching the rubble some more, he found that she was all alone. Not having the heart to abandon the poor thing, he took her in and gave her the name (Y/n). He brought her back here and raised her. When he wasn't fighting Wuya, he was taking care of (Y/n), and when she got older, he trained her to fight. It was then that he realized that she had the spirit of a Dragon. Fate had brought him to her, and he knew that it was his destiny to begin training the next generation of Dragons."

Guan took a moment to fight back tears that were trying to well up as he recalled old memories. "When (Y/n) was 8 years old, Grand Master Dashi came across a 12-year-old boy who had been beaten by his abusive mother. Realizing that the boy also had the spirit of a Dragon, he took the boy in and promised to help him become much more than he could imagine. That boy... was me." Guan revealed, causing shocked expressions to appear on everyone's faces.

After waiting a moment to let it sink in, he continued again. "When Master Dashi and I arrived, (Y/n) came running up to him holding a giant green egg with a strange gold pattern on it. When she stopped her (h/l)(h/c) hair almost got in her mouth. She found the egg in a bush, and she was going to take care of it. Master Dashi told her that it was a dragon egg and that she needed to take good care of it for it to hatch. It was then that she noticed me. Master introduced us, and she told me that everyone called her (N/n). We quickly became like siblings to one another. After a couple of years passed, Dojo here finally hatched from the egg that (Y/n) was taking care of." He says, gesturing toward the small dragon in his lap.

"When I was 16, Grand Master Dashi brought the last of our small group of Dragons. He came back with a 14-year-old boy in tattered clothes and no shoes. That boy was Chase Young. Almost immediately, he and I were constantly fighting, with (Y/n) breaking us up every time. After a few years of training together, our Dragons Gifts finally surfaced. I could make plants grow on command, much like Clay can control the earth, earning me the title of the Dragon of Nature. Chase could speak and control animals, giving him the title of the Dragon of Beasts. And then there was (Y/n) who could solve any discord, make anyone get along, and overall just keep the harmony in any aspect of the term, earned the name, Dragon of Harmony. The three of us were unstoppable. Or... so we thought." Guan pauses as he recalls the next memories with sorrow and disdain.

Dojo squeezes the teddy bear he's been coiled around as Guan, hesitantly, continued. "Not long after Grand Master Dashi sealed Wuya into the wooden puzzle box, is when things went downhill for the three of us. Wuya's disciple, Hannibal Roy Benjamin, tried to take the remaining Shen Gong Wu that Master Dashi had yet to hide. As we fought, he cast a transformation spell using his Heylin magic. That spell was aimed at me, but (N/n) jumped in front of it. What he didn't know was that (Y/n) had a Wu that didn't need to be activated for it to work. The Mirror Pendant. This Wu will always be active, it takes any magic or Wu used on the wearer and does the same thing to the caster. Similar to the Reversing Mirror. So, when (Y/n) was transformed, so was he, into who we all know now as Hannibal Bean. Chase and I, however, were too worried about (Y/n) to realize what happened to Hannibal. When the dust cleared, (Y/n) had been turned into a Chinese Mountain cat, and Hannibal disappeared. When Master Dashi came back, we all started trying to find a way to reverse it, but nothing worked. It was then that Chase confessed that he had been deeply in love with her and he vowed to find a way to reverse the transformation, regardless of the cost."

Guan had to stop for a moment to compose himself before continuing. "After a couple of months of trying and failing to reverse the spell, and after Grand Master Dashi had hidden the last Shen Gong Wu, we were doing our daily training session when one of Hannibal's birds got passed our notice and snatched (Y/n). It had taken her too high for any of our abilities to reach before we could process what had happened. As we were chasing after it, we got separated from each other. Before we knew it, (Y/n) had managed to get free but was falling. By the time Chase and I reached where she was falling to, we found Grand Master Dashi holding her in his hands with tears streaming down his face. We were too late."

Dojo pipes up at that time to add his bit of information on the event. "I was sick at the time with an illness called Xingxong Ding which mixes up a dragon's abilities. Meaning that every time I tried to fly, I'd transform or randomly burp fire instead. I still blame myself for that day." Guan pats Dojo's head in an attempt to comfort the poor dragon.

"We all do. Not long afterward, Hannibal Bean showed up claiming to be able to both bring her back to life and undo the spell. We didn't realize that it was Hannibal at the time. He simply introduced himself as a 'friendly little bean'. Though it was exceedingly tempting in our time of moaning, Chase and I refused. However, when Hannibal came back a few days later, Chase accepted after Hannibal told him that the soup he had to drink as a condition would grant him eternal youth. After Chase drank it, Hannibal revealed that, though he was able to reverse the spell, Grand Master Dashi was the only one who could bring her back to life. That was when one of his birds came down and we understood who he was. Chase, filled with rage, tried to get rid of him but Hannibal was too fast and got away. Realizing what he had done, Chase left. A few months later, I reached my limit and left to find my own path. And close to a year later, I got a messenger dove with a note saying that Grand Master Dashi had passed. The Dragon spirit is capable of lengthening one's life, but it cannot stop outside factors from cutting a life short. And that, young Dragons, is the true history of the Dragons. That is, until the four of you."

Xiaolin Meowster (Chase Young x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora