What he teases you about

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Jake: Your height. He loves the fact that you are even smaller than him. He knows how much you hate your height, but he loves to tease you about it.

Casey: Your nose. He always gives it little kisses whenever he can. He tells you how cute your nose is, because he knows you hate the word "cute".

James: Your hands. Because he is so tall he has big hands, compared to yours. When you both hold hands, he loves the way your hands dissapears in his.

Chris: Your accent. Since he's Irish he has a different accent than you. When he's in a teasing mood he always tries to say your sentences in your accent.

Barclay: Your butt. He always tells you how cute it is, and then he'll slap or squeeze it. You hated your butt, but because Barcs loves it, you loved it too.

Reece: Your legs. He always grab one when you're running up the stairs, so that you almost fall. He loves to hold them.

Charlie: Your age. He loves the fact that he's older than you. He always teases you by calling you: baby girl, baby sister, little one.

Tom: Your clothes. He thinks you're sexy in your own clothes, but he thinks you're even sexier in his clothes. That's why he always tries to get you to wear his clothes.

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