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Coffee ☕

💎🔒 @iamrarejemto nowhere

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💎🔒 @iamrarejem
to nowhere...

💎🔒 @iamrarejemto nowhere

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💎🔒 @iamrarejem

💎🔒 @iamrarejemcuteee🥺

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more than a week of going out with him. Minsan ako nag-aaya,minsan siya.

💎🔒 @iamrarejem
I really enjoyed his company 🥹 We're comfortable with each other na din as days,weeks passed by

💎🔒 @iamrarejems
but I can't stop overthinking things sometimes

💎🔒 @iamrarejems
I'm so happy that it makes me scared of what will happen next 🥲

💎🔒 @iamrarejem
Okay stop na, Jems! Stop overthinking things!

💎🔒 @iamrarejem
makapaggeneral cleaning na nga lang room

💎🔒 @iamrarejem
yeah... better than overthinking things 🥲

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